Chapter 11: Getting cozy

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Breaking out of Daimon's warm embrace, I open the umbrella, and hand Daimon's jacket back. We both get out of the small car in front of the witches small cozy white house with a cute red panel roof. She lived surrounded by trees but over the distance, beyond the trees I could see what appeared as a tall old building that had the same structure as the witches house. I'm surprised I can see so far under so much shade. The building seemed kind of creepy. "Come on in Catie, Daimon." Darcy smiled. You know for a witch I really thought she was going to be less up beat. Speeding through the door, I forget about the umbrella in my hands, then fall on my back. Great Catie...nice clumsiness you got going on today! Luckily my body landed inside than under the sun. So I assume the whole you have to invite a vampire in thing is a myth. Standing behind me I see Daimon smirk at my falling. He thinks it's funny! Jerk! I like that. I grin up at his amber eyes as he helps me up and we enter the cozy round living room of the witch's home.
The witches house is even quaint on the inside. There was a small fire place and on each side were two burnt orange chairs. In the center of the room was a large red oriental rug. Surrounding everything were bookshelves full of jars, old books, potions, charms, and even pieces of animal corpses. It all looked like something from a Tim burton movie or a Harry Potter film. This was just the living room, wonder what the rest of the house looks like.
"Well don't just stand there. Come in, sit."Darcy graciously welcomed me and Daimon into her home. I sat in one of the plush orange chairs to get toasty by the fire as Daimon followed behind. "Atleast we can hide here for now." He assured me as my butt got comfy in the soft cozy chair. Oh, there's something in the other's black and has ears...Daimon bent down to sit in the chair. I try not to laugh as I watch the scene unravel. This is payback for all the laughing at me at the airport. He sat on the black feline sleeping in the other orange chair. "Mraouwwww!!! Watch it!"The cat hissed and scratched his butt. I couldn't help but die laughing at what happened to Daimon. "Owwwwww!!! What the H...?!!!" Daimon panicked looking around to see what did damage to his ass. The black cat with violet eyes like Darcy's had run off into the Witch's arms. Wait did that thing just speak?! Darcy held the feline and calmed it down. "I am so sorry! This is Fiona my familiar." She explained apologetically.
"Hello Fiona. Long time no see." Daimon remembered the cat from his memories as a child. The cat purred in Darcy's hold then looked over at him. Then the feline stopped purring. "Well you may gave grown but you haven't changed one bit! Learn to look before you sit!" The cat scolding Daimon  in its high pitched voice. well, this explains why she gets along well with Darcy. They're both annoying. "Fiona, be nice. He is one of our guests." The witch hushed the feline and looked towards at me. "Fiona meet Catie. She will be staying here with Daimon for a while. She is our queen to be."
"Meow. She has nice hair. It goes well with her red eyes. So your the legendary queen?" Fiona curiously questioned. Well, atleast the cat likes my hair. "Uh...yeah. I am but you can call me Catie."
"At Least the cat likes you." Daimon got jealous and looked down at the old red rug in his envy. And I'm the childish one?...Ok, maybe I am. But now who's the one acting like a two year old? I smirk at his reaction. Daimon glances up at me, noticing my smirk. Then he looks back down at the floor with his sad puppy face. Awe, I made him sad. "Darcy, can you put me down. I want to get a good look at our queen."the feline Fiona purred as Darcy set her on the floor. The black cat walked over and hopped into my lap. She licked her paw, then looked at me in the eyes with her bright violet ones. She wouldn't stop staring into them as if she were looking for something. Then she got off of my lap and hopped into Daimon's. "Pstt! She really really likes you." The cat whispered to him. How does she know that?! She hasn't even seen the small amounts of PDA( public display of affection) we've done! Ok I almost liked the cat for a second but peeking into other people's mind is not cool! I tried not o blush at the cat's words.
"I am sorry I upset you Catie." She looked over at me from Daimons lap and let out a small giggle. I see I have to keep my mind shut now. Daimon grinned really wide as I looked down at the floor. Why am I so embarrassed even though I've already shown that I do? though He's pleased to hear how much I really like him even though he already knew, he was even mor pleased at my expression. "Well, Catie! You must be hungry. I'll fix you your lunch." The witch cheerfully galloped into her kitchen. She is definitely phyco. I look over to Daimon with my fake smile. "It's ok, she doesn't want to make a bad impression on you. She just doesn't want to show her grief over her moms death. I talked to her over the phone while you were still healing in bed. She said she would be prepared for you." He took up for her. I suppose I should take his word on it. I trust him more than anyone else I know. Actually, he's the only person I trust. Darcy does seem to be to happy after her mother's death but she really doesn't have to make an impression for me. If anything, I know what it's like to grow up with out parents. I never got a real chance to have any. It must be hard to pretend to be that happy.
"Here you go!" The witch came out with a cup and handed it me. "Thanks" I responded staring at her. How can she do it? Be so happy just for someone like me? I'm not that special, just another part of a puzzle for the world. All of these vampires and things are after me but what do they want? All they will get is some hybrid rebellious teenager with trust issues that hates the thought of responsibility. Really though, I didn't ask for this! I just want to live life how I want to. maybe I should just learn more about this stupid prophecy before I go on another freak out rant. Taking the cup in my hands, the aroma hits my nose but this time it's different. The blood is stronger than what I had before. My eyes do their blacken trick again and I devour the salty warm liquid. It flows over my throat and tastes even better. Whatever the witch did to this is amazing! I don't stop drinking the velvety fluid until I get the very last red drop.
"I take it, you enjoyed it." She smiled. Darcy was very happy...delightful...Maybe to happy. Gosh, she's annoying! But the blood was good. "Can I have some more?" I grinned up at her. She was hesitant at first but started heading towards the kitchen again. Daimon glared at me knowing what happened last time I drank to much. "What? it's just one more..." I tried appealing to him. He didn't buy it. "Darcy. I think she's fine. She changed her mind." He told her before she could head through the kitchen door. Looking down at the floor peeved....I held in my temper. Daimon put Fiona on the floor and came to where I sat. Grabbing my hand he looked at Darcy "where will we be sleeping tonight?"
"Oh, let me show you to your room now. Follow me children." She happily giggled along with her delightful teasing. We both followed holding hands. She took us to a door at the end of a small hallway and unlocked it. "No one will find you here. The vampires will never suspect a thing." She grinned wickedly. Ok, now she scares me. Opening the door, a small stairway appeared. She flipped on a light switch on the side and led us down. Entering the room, there is a black veil canopy over a king sized bed. Everything was black and red. In the corner there were storage boxes full of candles. Beside each side of the bed were side tables with fancy candle holders on each.Half of the room was caged in without anything in it. Wait...there's only one bed and a cage..."Well, this bedroom can't get any kinkier." I begin to smirk in remark. Shit...I just said that out loud didn't I? peering over at the now laughing boyfriend of mine beside me. I don't think Darcy found this as amusing as he did. She seemed displeased with our childishness. Daimon stopped laughing and I stopped smirking hoping to make Darcy feel better. It didn't work. She just stood there astonished not knowing what to think. "I'm sorry Darcy. I really like kinky things. Black and red are my favorite colors. It was just a couples joke that's all." I tried explaining, hoping this would help. She looked down at the ground, then back up with a smile. "I knew you two were cuddly." Then she winked at me and whispered "have fun." She ran back upstairs, shutting the door behind her.
Me and Daimon both look at each other for a few seconds in confusion as to what just happened, then busted out laughing. She actually winked at me. I feel bad for laughing but that was epic. Then slowing down I think she just gave me an idea...lightbulb! I lean onto Daimon and trace my fingers up and down his chest. He can't resist me much longer. We've been going slow enough now. I reach up to his ear and whisper " let's try out the new bed." The witch was right we are cuddly. Now that she's gone we can have some fun. He uttered nothing because he was to lost for words. I hugged him around the neck, reached up, and pressed my soft lips against his. He began kissing back, his tongue slipping between my fangs. His hands moved to my hips as our bodies collide. Minutes slip by as we kiss before I remove his shirt, feeling his abs. I slip it over his head and throw it on the floor. His chest presses against mine and the chemistry between us grows stronger. He's happy, I'm happy...we both try to head for the bed but clumsily fall onto each other. For a moment I look into his beautiful eyes and kiss him again. He removes his jacket off of me and then my shirt. He pushed my medium short purple hair behind my ear. His hand holding my face "you are really beautiful." He spoke softly. Then laughing playfully "what happened to going slow babe?"I grin and move down to his pants. I pull his zipper open with my mouth and something big pokes out. Turns out he likes to go commando. Giggling, i strip him of his pants, pull him up, and drag him onto the large soft bed...

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