As I walked back out to the front lounge, Ashtyn walked onto the bus with Camila in tow.

"Mama, where's Kay?" Ashtyn asked as she climbed into the booth. 

"She's asleep," I answered.

"Aw man," the green-eyed toddler frowned. "I wanted to play with her."

"Maybe you two can play together later if she starts feeling better," I suggested.

"Is she feeling any better?" Camila spoke up as she grabbed the Turkey out of the fridge.

"Her cough is still nasty and she's warm, but I think she finally broke her fever."

"That's a plus."

"Mommy, I need help."

"What's wrong, Ash?" Camila asked as she pulled the bread out of the cabinet.

"I want to draw a picture for Kay but I don't know how to," the oldest toddler frowned.

"Why don't you ask mama to help you? She's the best at drawing," Camila replied as she started to assemble a few sandwiches.

"Mama will you help?" Ashtyn asked as green eyes met mine.

"Want do you need help with?" I asked as I took a seat next to her.

"Draw a turtle-urtle," she stated as she placed a piece of paper and green color pencils in front of me.

"A turtle-urtle?" I questioned.

"Yeah," she smiled and nodded. "Member Aunt Tay Tay got a turtle-urtle? It was the cutest turtle-urtle that I've ever seen!"

"I think you mean a turtle, Ash,"I giggled.

"Yeah," she nodded, "now draw."

"Demanding, just like her mother," I mumbled as I began to sketch the online of the turtle.

Camila bumped my head as she placed the two plates down on the table.  I looked up from my paper to meet her innocent doe eyes.

"May I help you?" I asked, raising one eyebrow.

"Nope," she answered, popping the "p".

I continued to draw Ashtyn's turtle as she watched me contently. Camila joined us after she finished cleaning up lunch. Every once in awhile she would bump my hand causing me to mess up.

We continued to draw until Camila and I were called for glam. Normani's mom offered to watch the girls for the rest of the night.

Tonight's show was probably the best yet. The crowd was loud and the eight year video our team threw together was heart-warming. The sweetest part was when Kayne and Ashtyn appeared onto the screen.

The girls decided they're attending a club tonight in honor of us not killing each in the last eight years. Mama Dre offered to watch the girls, so Camila and I could go out and be like "normal" twenty-three and twenty-four year olds. I refused at first, but mama Dre wouldn't take no as answer.

"Walz, you need to tell your girl to loosen up," Dinah spoke up as she looked at me.

Camila squeezed my hand lightly as she gave me a brief smile. Partying isn't exactly my ideal idea of ending a long Monday. I rather be cuddled up in my bunk with my dream girl right now instead of wearing these painful stilettos and short black dress Dinah lent me.

The car pulled up in front of the club and one-by-one we were escorted inside by a security guard. The five of us stood on the side as we watched a bunch of drunk young people grind onto each other.

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