Chapter 8: A Prophecy and Confusion

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Chapter 8: A Prophecy and Confusion

No One's POV

The Seven took the news of going into Tartarus in different ways.

Leo was absolutely petrified, you could see it on his face as he fainted.

Piper didn't believe it, asking Will if Annabeth was simply delusional or asking Annabeth if the dream was simply a dream.

Hazel was horrified, knowing what it did to her brother, her brother figure and one of her best friends, she broke down sobbing.

Frank put on a brave face, comforting Hazel when in reality he was terrified. He couldn't get his fingers out of a stupid Chinese finger trap, how could he get out of the real life hell?

Jason took the leader role, seeing Percy was out of tune. On the inside he was terrified, who wouldn't be? But he had to stay strong, seeing as the king was out of whack. He called for order.

Percy was silent. A stoic expression plastered on his face, his eyes a void of no emotion. On the inside he was sobbing, scared and delusional from flashbacks. It was terrifying, but he had to do it. He wouldn't let his friends fade in that literal hellhole.

Annabeth was overcompensating. Her mind was a flurry of different ideas that didn't involve them going back. Maybe her dream was just a dream? But all ideas simply went back to the one idea, being thrown into that hellhole.

But all of their thoughts were plagued with one: I'm going to get my friends out alive.

Percy's POV

Tartarus. The place of my nightmares. Now I'll have to be put back in there like a hamster in a cage. I don't like hamsters, too close to a guinea pig. Off-topic. But now my friends will have to experience the horrors of that dreaded place.

I felt faint, I would rather go in there by myself than letting Frank, Hazel, Piper, Leo, Jason, and Annabeth go.

"I should go ask Rachel, to make sure that it's true," I breathed out. "Jase, you wanna come with?" He nodded. We then flashed out to Camp Half-Blood.

I appeared next to Jason in front of the big house. Chiron was sitting there talking to Malcolm and Lacey.

He looked up from the conversation and smiled at us.

"Ah, Percy and Jason. What brings you guys here?" He said, quickly dismissing Malcolm and Lacey, who walked off hand in hand. Piper isn't hesitating on her new job huh?

"We want to consult the Oracle about our upcoming enemy," I told him, and he nodded solemnly.

"I see. Rachel is in her cave right now if you wish to visit her," He told us, and I nodded, beginning to walk to the edge of the camp where Rachel's cave was.

When we got there, I opened up the curtains that blocked off the entrance and walked in, as did Jason.

Rachel was sitting on a stool in front of a canvas, her paintbrush flourishing across the blank slate leaving color in it's wake. That sounded so deep. Anyways, once she noticed us she set her paintbrush down and walked over, pulling us both into a hug.

She sat us down on a black leather couch and sat down herself in a black leather loveseat.

Her cave is much fancier than other caves you may encounter, it looked like a well furnished apartment with a small kitchen and everything. Kinda shabby-chic looking.

"So what can I do for you two fine Olympians today?" She asked, stirring a mug of coffee.

"Well-" Jason started, but was interrupted by Rachel going stiff and green mist began to spew out of her mouth.

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