Chapter 6: Nightmares and a New Enemy

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Chapter 6: Nightmares and a New Enemy

Percy's POV

I was running in a dark forest, the only light was the gleam of Riptide, which was in my hand. I couldn't see anything behind me, but I knew something big was chasing me. The loud roars and stomping noises kinda gave it away. I kept on running, pure adrenaline coursing through me. Soon the path trees faded into a clearing, still pitch black. I stopped, looking around frantically in circles, Riptide positioned in my hands.

"Where are you? Come out and face me like a real man!" I yelled to the trees. Well, it looked like that. I could feel a strong and evil presence in the forest.

"Well Perseus, I'm not a man," A raspy, dark voice called out, the voice surrounding me. The voice sounded familiar, but I don't know where from.

"Then what are you?" I spat out, still circling a small perimeter in the middle of the clearing.

"Your worst nightmare Perseus," The voice cackled, as realization dawned over me.

"Y-you? B-but," I stuttered, finally stopping in one spot in the center of the clearing.

"Just because your immortal does not mean you can live forever Perseus, and I'll make sure of that. Watch your back Perseus, and that stupid Blondie's too. And the whole new Olympian council. You will never be safe Perseus, never." The evil voice cackled loudly, before fading out into the distance.

I dropped to the floor, curling up in a fetus position. breathing hard. I closed my eyes and felt someone shaking me violently. Then it all went black. Well, blacker than it was before.

"Percy, Percy, PERCY!" Annabeth yelled in my ear. I shot up breathing heavily, my eyes wildly checking my surroundings. Annabeth, bed, walls, carpet, and dresser. Good. My breathing evened out and Annabeth looked at me with concern.

"What happened Seaweed Brain?" She asked, pulling me into a hug.

"I'll—I'll tell you and the council in the morning, or whatever time it is. I promise, but I don't feel like talking about it now. Okay?" I said, lying down.

"Alright, but you better tell me," She replied, laying down next to me. I turned to face her and draped my arm around her waist, pulling her closer.

"I love you Wise Girl," I said, kissing her forehead.

"I love you too Seaweed Brain," She replied, snuggling into my chest.

I sighed in content, closing my eyes and falling asleep. I guess Annabeth was the remedy I needed, because I didn't have any nightmares for the rest of the night.


Annabeth's POV

When I woke back up, Percy's arm was tightly wound around my waist, pressing my against his body. I could feel his abs on my back since he didn't have a shirt on. I turned around so my face was facing his. I lightly traced the scars on his collarbone and shoulders, cringing at how many there were, littering his chest and stomach.

Sure, I had tons of scars, but not as many as Percy. That stupid Seaweed Brain has done so many brainless things that we later count as heroics. But that's one of the reasons I love him.

My tracing must have woken him up, because when I looked back up, two gorgeous green eyes were staring into mine.

"Hey Wise Girl," he whispered, his voice raspy and heavy from sleep. He kissed me full on the lips, and I almost pulled away, expecting morning breath. But instead I was welcomed by a minty, enjoyable taste. Must be a bonus to being a god. I guess I don't have to brush my teeth now.

the new gods of olympus • percy jacksonWhere stories live. Discover now