Chapter Three: The New Gods

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Chapter 3: The New Gods

hey guys, it's maia from the futureeee (11/26/16), just wanted to say that I made some edits to this chapter to make it flow better, so please don't be alarmed. i just really hated how this chapter was written, so I rewrote some of it. i hope it makes at least some sense :)

Percy's POV

Gods? Us gods? We all took a minute for it to settle in before questions started firing out left and right.

"Will this be temporary?"

"Why are both Jason and I here?"


"Why do you trust us to become gods?"

"Children please stop. No this will not be temporary. The reason both of you guys are here you will find out later. Yes gods. We trust you because we have seen you all in battle and we know you guys will be better gods than us. Athena said so. We also consulted the Fates. These are your destinies demigods." Zeus answered all of our questions.

"When will we start the process of becoming gods?" I wondered out loud.

"Well, we can start right now I guess. Who wants to go first?"Poseidon said.

Ares reluctantly raised his hand.

"Clarisse La Rue please step forward," She stepped in front of her dad. Ares placed a hand on her forehead. "I Ares, god of war, now pronounce you, my daughter, Clarisse La Rue, The new goddess of war." Clarisse began to glow, and when the glowing stopped she had a blood red toga on and a spear in her hand.

Athena went next.

"Annabeth Chase, step forward," Athena placed a hand on her forehead. "I Athena, goddess of wisdom, courage, inspiration, civilization, mathematics, strength, war strategy, the arts, crafts, and skill now pronounce you, my daughter, Annabeth Chase to be the new goddess of wisdom, courage, inspiration, civilization, mathematics, strength, war strategy, the arts, crafts, and skill." Annabeth began to glow, and was wearing a grey toga after the glowing ceased.

All the gods did this process to their children, until it was just me, Thalia, Jason, Nico, Hazel Frank, and Calypso left. Artemis stood up and called Thalia forward.

"Thalia Grace, my trusted lieutenant, please come in front of me," Thalia stepped forward, and Artemis placed a hand on her forehead, "I Artemis, goddess of chastity, virginity, the hunt, the moon, the natural environment and wild animals, now pronounce you, Thalia Grace the new goddess of chastity, virginity, the hunt, the moon, the natural environment and wild animals."

"Jason Grace, my son, please step forward." Zeus said, placing a hand on Jason's forehead, " I Zeus, god of the sky and thunder, now pronounce you, my son, Jason Grace,the new god of thunder and the sky."

"Nico Di Angelo, please step forward," Hades said, placing a hand on Nico's forehead, " I Hades, god of the underworld, the dead, and riches now pronounce you, my son, Nico Di Angelo, the god of the underworld, the dead, and riches."

"Hazel Levesque, please step forward," Hestia said, "I have seen how you have protected that piece of firewood, so I believe that you would do a good job at protecting the hearth. You are tender, loving, caring, and have the warmth to keep the flames of the hearth burning. I understand that you are Roman, but you will be representing both Greek and Roman aspects. Now come closer darling," Hazel blushed and stepped closer to Hestia. "I, Hestia, goddess of the hearth, now pronounce you, Hazel Levesque, the new goddess of the hearth."

"Calypso, please step forward," Hera said, " You have had love in many cases, but lost it. Only now you have found a secure sense of love, and I know that you will cherish it forever. You are loving and caring, yet firm and parental. This is why you have been chosen to be the new goddess of marriage and family." Hera placed a hand on her forehead, "I Hera, goddess of marriage and family, now pronounce you, Calypso, to be the new goddess of marriage and family."

"Perseus Jackson, step forward," my dad said. I guess it's my turn now. He put a hand on my forehead. " I Poseidon, god of the sea, earthquakes, storms and horses now pronounce you, my son, Perseus Jackson, the new god of the sea, earthquakes, storms and horses." When he was done, I felt a tug at my gut and a surge of power go through me. When the powerful sensation stopped, I had a sea green toga on. I ran to Annabeth and gave her a hug.

"Umm, what about me?" Frank said timidly from the corner.

"Well, since you are one of the seven, we decided that since Clarisse took the spot as the new goddess of war, you would become the god of shape-shifting, domesticated animals, accuracy, flying, and heroes. So come over here." Ares said as he changed his form into Mars. "I Mars, former god of war, now pronounce you, my son, Frank Zhang, as the new god of shape-shifting, domesticated animals, accuracy, flying, and heroes ." Frank glowed, and after the glowing stopped he ran over to Hazel and hugged her.

"We have faith in you guys, we all trust that you guys will be better gods than us. So long!" Hermes exclaimed then all the gods left.

"WE'RE GODS NOW LET'S PARTY!!!!" Connor yelled.

This godhood thing is going to be fun.

New Gods

Zeus- Jason

Poseidon- Percy

Hades- Nico

Athena- Annabeth

Hephaestus- Leo

Ares- Clarisse

Aphrodite- Piper

Hermes- Travis/Connor

Demeter- Katie

Hera- Calypso

Apollo- Will

Artemis- Thalia

Dionysus- Pollux

Hestia- Hazel

the new gods of olympus • percy jacksonOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora