Chapter 40- Fool's Gold

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Zayn's POV
Life for me is a roller coaster right now, and I hate roller coasters, but I don't mind riding then as long as I have my charming husband, and my two wonderful children there beside me.

A few nights ago, Harry and I have decided to put the whole cheating thing behind us, and get back together. Yes, he is still extremely upset about a few things that I did while I was gone, but again, he push it away.

The reason that we have chosen to forgive each other is because, we knew that we both needed one another, and there is no way we can live without each other. It was for the best.

My lesson has been learned. I'd would never ever do that to Harry again.

I have finally realized that I was never even in love with Perrie, and that three full months were waste of my time and hers. I only did those things because, I felt sorry for her, and myself. I was in a vulnerable position at the time, and I needed someone to comfort me, but just not, Harry. Sure, her sex was something unforgettable and different, but I just can't do it anymore. If I had ended up fucking her any longer, I would have knocked her up, and everybody knows if that were to happen then, Harry really would have divorced me then in a heartbeat.

And I couldn't have that.

I pulled up into our house driveway, and parked my car. Now since things are getting better between me and him, he insisted on me driving the kids to school again, and he picks them up from school.

I walked up to the front porch, and began to knock. After a few seconds, the door opens.

"Good morning, Zayn!" He smiles.

I reached my arms out and give him a hug."Morning, Haz. How are feeling today? You feeling better?" I asked, stepping foot through the front door.

"I feel fine, great actually. I finally could get a full night sleep without having to wake up at three in the morning, crying my eyeballs out."

I frowned."Why were you crying?"

He takes a seat down on the couch, and begins to slightly rub small circles onto his growing bump."Hormones."

I could hear the false response in his voice. He's lying to me. I just know it.

"Harry you don't have to lie."I groaned.

"Zayn it's nothing." He told me.

I then decided to sit next to him, and intertwined my fingers with his."Well, I'm going to be honest with you and confess that I was nothing without you. I wanted you back so bad in just so many ways that you couldn't even think of. Everything was going downhill."

"Same here, babe. I cried myself to sleep about almost every night. I was so full of grief, and I was just so exhausted. I didn't know what to do with myself anymore." He explained.

I laid my head down on his shoulder.
"Well, neither one of us have to worry about that ever again, baby. I'm staying for good this time, and I will never leave you alone like that." I promised.

"Good, but if there ever is a next time, I'm kicking your ass out for good."

I laughed a bit, but seeing the look on his face, caused me to immediately stop."Trust me. There will never be a next time. Not even in a million years."

He nodded in agreement and we heard the sound of two children, running down the stairs, with their backpacks.

"Who's ready to go to school!?" I asked, standing up from the couch.

"Papa!?" The two, questions in sync.

They leaped into my arms."Are you driving us to school today, papa?" Caden asks.

Bradford Bad Boy 2: Stockholm Syndrome [Zarry Mpreg] - Book 2Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu