Chapter 29- The Clashing Begins

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Zayn's POV
Well the past month and a half has been one of the worst I have been through in a very very long time, but it has also been the greatest I have had in a while. Now since Harry is 14 weeks pregnant he has been a complete asshole lately, and there's nothing I can do about it, especially to Perrie! Like the other day before we told her about the pregnancy she decided to share a bottle of wine with us. She offered Harry a glass, but he turned it away of course, because he's pregnant and he doesn't want to hurt the baby's health in any way. Apparently Perrie was pushing it way too far and Harry ended up throwing the wine in her face, and began swearing all kinds of different words, but luckily none of the kids were around so he was off the hook with that one. Besides the whole wine in Perrie's face situation, there has actually been some really good surroundings in the house which are my two kids. Once Harry had finally reached his twelfth week, we decided to tell Caden and Ava about the baby. They were quite confused at first, but now they are extremely excited about the new edition to the family.

It was one of those normal days when you never expected for anytime interesting to happen. Me and Harry get the kids ready for school, all three of us go to work, come home, eat dinner, just basic stuff like that.

It was almost time, for the kids bedtime, so they were constantly begging me to let them stay up, for just a little bit longer. I'd of course had to tell them no, but they both ended up having a fit until Harry walked into the room with one of my tight ass shirts on. Considering that Harry is a bigger than me already there were times that he wore my clothes, but now since his bump was growing a little bit everyday it was getting hard for him to fit his regular clothes, especially his leggings he calls for skinny jeans.

As Harry walked closer the more we
all got a better look at his tiny producing bump. I smiled proudly as he walked over to us. Considering, that most pregnant people usually might not show at twelve weeks was really hard to tell, but with Harry you could clearly see that something was going on with his tummy. Since Harry is a slim guy you really couldn't tell that he was pregnant from the back, but when he turns to the front or side, you can see the tiny rounded belly, or maybe it's just me overreacting with things.

Harry smiled sitting next to me on the couch, and Caden and Ava gazed at Harry's stomach as he leaned back placing his hands on top, nearly covering the whole sight of the bump with his large hands. Caden stared at us with confusion in his hazel eyes as I began to rub his stomach smiling.
"Daddy to you have a tummy ache?" The little boy asked.

Me and Harry looked at each other and he leaned in starting to whisper something in my ear."I think that it's about time to tell them about the baby." Harry stated.

I nodded in agreement with a grin and we turned back to the two answering Caden's question."Well daddy does have a tummy ache, but I think that he's feeling a little better now." I responded.

"But if daddy's tummy isn't hurting then why are you still rubbing it?" Ava questions.

Me and Harry both chuckled at their comment, and motioned for them to sit in between us. Once they were settled that's when I begin to explain the situation."Caden...Ava. You know how daddy has been feeling sick, for the past few weeks, and I tell you to take it easy on him, and to be on your best behavior?" I asked looking at the two children and them nodding."Well daddy is pregnant, so..."

"Wait! Daddy's pregnant!?" Ava asked then got confused by his own words.
"Isn't that some kind of food?"

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