Chapter 16- Work Days

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Zayn's POV
Well today is already a tough day for me. Ever since me and Harry found out about our loss yesterday we both just don't feel like dealing with anything today.

Harry basically cried himself to sleep yesterday, which was the most saddest thing I have ever seen. I tried my best to comfort him, but it just wasn't working. I thought that I was really hurt about losing our baby, but Harry is just a whole different level.

He called his boss earlier telling her about his situation and how needed a couple of days off of work to get himself together, and surprisingly she actually understood Harry. Like she didn't question him on his pregnancy, or the fact about how he was even able to get pregnant, thank goodness. Because I am tired of explaining to my other coworkers how me and Harry were able to have Caden and Ava.

Me on the other hand is returning to work so damn early. I really wish that I was at home cuddling my sad little husband, instead of working on paperwork for the next billion hours.

Speaking of paperwork, that brings me back to the whole Perrie situation.

I really can't believe that I was really about to go to lunch with this girl. How could I be so inconsiderate? I know that Harry warned me to stay away from her, but unfortunately I'm not listening.

There is just so much going on in my mind right now, that it's affecting me to even think straight right now.

I clearly do remember telling her that I really don't want to talk to her about things other than our job, but if I just tell her to leave me alone, I'm afraid that she's just going to freak out, and go off like she use to do.

And I definitely do not want that happening, especially not in the office.

I walked into my office building full of thoughts. I really didn't feel like doing any work today. Everything that has happened in the last 24 hours is really hitting me hard now.

So I stepped out of the elevator and ambled my way down to my boss's office. As I past by I was met by Liam waving at me through his office, so I stopped, and turned around to meet the brown eyed boy.

"Good morning Mr Malik! How are you!?" He said in his enthusiastic voice just to try and cheer me up.

I wasn't really in the mood to smile, but I decided to give him a slight smile anyway."Hey Payno." I greeted in a sadden voice.

He gets up from his desk and pulls me into a hug."Still down huh."


"How's Harry holding up?" He asks.

"Well let's just say that he cried himself to sleep last night." I replied.

He nodded slightly and crossed his arms."Aww...I feel so bad about what happened. Is there anything I can do to help?" He asked.

"No there's not much you can really do mate, but hope that Harry cheers up soon." I mentioned.

"Me and the boys were going to stop by again to see how he's doing. Is that fine with you?" He asked as he sat down at his desk.

I nodded."Yeah...ugh sure. He probably needs a bit of company anyway." I exclaimed.

"Alright mate, so I'll see you in a bit." He said before I nodded and walked out of his office and off to my boss's office to explain everything that happened yesterday.

Perrie's POV
Here I am back in my office typing up something for Mr Hicks, but unfortunately I can't concentrate because I am too busy looking at that handsome man across the hall.

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