Chapter 19- Calls

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Perrie's POV
"....hurry up Austin! You're gonna make me late for work again!" I yelled to my son, while he was tasking his precious time packing up his things for school.

I hated it when Jake has to leave our flat at five o'clock in the morning to go to work. He usually takes Austin to school, which is a lot of help to me in the morning time, but today is just hell to me.

Me and Jake woke up fifteen minutes late, and were both in a hurry. I managed to make us both a bit of delicious breakfast, but unfortunately Austin messed that up too, so I ended up giving him mine, but I guess that what a good parent is supposed to do.

Finally after about two minutes, Austin finally comes out of his room with his backpack, and grabbed his lunch box.
"I'm ready now mummy." He said as he ran into the living room.

I nodded then grabbed my thing, and after that we were quickly out the door.

"...Yes Mr Hicks, I am working on it right now." I told the man as he stepped into my office.

"Good, Good. Now I'll see you in a bit to see how you're doing." He says before he leaves, and I sighed in distress.

Ever since I stepped into the building this morning Zayn hasn't said one wou to me, and that really irritates me. He's not mad at me or anything, it's just that he's trying to please Liam and Harry by not talking to me. It's obvious that he wants to talk to me, yet he still doesn't. Zayn is a grown ass man, and he can make any decision that he wants to.

Harry's POV
"Daddy, when is Jordan coming over!?" Ava asked impatiently, while bouncing up and down.

I looked down and smiled at her."He'll be here soon Ava." I said.

She loves her best friend Jordan. Ava talks about him almost everyday, and she insisted that the little boy stay with us for a whole week, but unfortunately we agreed with his parents that it was a little too early for that, so maybe we'll wait until they both get a bit older.

Just when I'm about to take out a few things for dinner, I hear the door bell ring, and Ava comes running out of the living room and beats me to the door. She opened it revealing Jordan and his mum, Jennie."Hi Ava!" Jordan greeted.

Ava gestures him to step into our house. I turned my attention to Jennie."How are ya Jen?" I asked.

"I'm fine Harry, what about yourself?"

"I'm good, so what time will you pick him up?" I asked as Ava and Jordan go sit on the couch.

She looked at her watch, and hummed.
" about a little before 6:00." She stated.

"Alrighty then, we'll see you a little while." I said. She waves us and us and her son goodbye, then I closed the door, making my way over to the two children.

"Ok, so what are you two getting ready to do?"

They looked up and smiled."I want to go play outside." Jordan exclaimed, while Ava nodded in agreement.

"You can go outside as long as you two promise to not make any mud pies this time. You had dirt trailing all throughout the house." I reminded her.

She nodded."Okay we promise." She says then her and Jordan wonder off outside. Since Zayn and Caden went to the grocery store to pick up a few items before dinner I decided to start on the desert for later.

I walked into the kitchen and pulled out a few things, so I could start the cake, but then I hear a the house phone ring, so I stopped what I was currently doing and grabbed the phone. I gazed at it and noticed that it was an unknown caller, but I still managed to answer it.

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