Chapter 11- Thinking Point

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Harry's POV
So it has been two days since Perrie has started her new job, and everyday I get more worried.

Zayn won't talk to me about anything that happens at work, which scares me very much.

Like what if she's annoying him? What if she's waiting for him to make a move? What will happen if she makes the move?

Zayn tells me that, he's just ignoring her, but I don't think that she is.

And I'm going to get to the bottom of it.

Zayn's POV
"Hey Zayn!" Perrie greets cheerfully as she walks into my office with a stack of papers.

I looked up and sighed."Hey."

"Mr Hicks asked if you could start this paperwork for him." She said.

"Great more work for me." I said sarcastically.

She sat down in the chair in front of my desk."Yeah it's a lot alright."

I just nodded and gazed at my paperwork. Perrie looked at me in concern."Are you okay?" She asked me.

I looked at like she was speaking a different language."Are you fucking serious right now? Do I look okay to you? I'm tired of you coming in my damn office every second of the day." I snapped.

She bites her lip."Zayn I know that we have had our problems in the past, but..."

"No Perrie. I did everything for your ass, I paid for everything that you want, I skipped class for you, I gave you sex, and I loved you Perrie, but apparently you couldn't seem to notice that."


That's when I neatly stacked a pack of papers, and got up from my chair."Look I have to go make a few copies, so when I get back I expect you to be gone." I said in a warning tone.

"I will, don't worry."

Perrie's POV
I walked into my office slowly, and sat down behind my desk.

Zayn hates me. He hates me more now than ever, and I can't do anything to change the way he feels.

I tried talking to him several times, but he just won't budge. How am suppose to get his forgiveness?

I know that before we split up he was absolutely crazy for me, and I am still crazy for him, but he knows it. We may have had problems years ago, but honestly I want to change for him.

I don't care if it even means me breaking up with Jake.

But the way everything's going so far, I might need to wait a bit.

As I walked into my boyfriend Jake's apartment, I realized that I don't have feelings for him anymore.

Just knowing that I'm so close to Zayn again, I just don't want to be around Jake anymore.

But if I break up with him now, I won't have anywhere else to go, and I definitely do not want me and Austin to end up o the street.

As soon as I walked through the door I see Jake and Austin watching a bit of TV, while sitting on the couch.

Jake quickly gets up, and walks towards me."Hey baby, how was work today?" He asks.

"Ugh...good. It was a bit awkward, but overall it was ok." I said.

He nodded."Umm okay, so do you want to go out to eat tonight?" Jake asked.


"Okay great, so I'm just going to go get ready real quick then we can leave ok?" He said.

I gave him a quick peck on the lip."Ok."

He runs into our bedroom, and I walked over to Austin who was sitting on the couch acting like I wasn't even here.

"Hey Austin, how's my little boy?" I said as I sat down next to him.

He continues to watch TV."Fine."

"What's wrong Austin?" I asked.

He looks up."I'm mad at you." He said.

I furrowed my eyebrows, and looked at him."Why?"

"Because you yelled at me for no reason. You were too busy to listen to me." He responded.

I know that Austin does get lonely at times, and I'm the only that really is around him 24/7, so I kind of understand what he's going through.

I wrapped my arms around him."Well I'm sorry if I ignored you. Now go be a good boy, and go put on your shoes."

He nodded and slowly made his way into his room.

I know that this is a little rude, and I know that it's all my fault, but sometimes I regret having Austin.

I know that when people have babies unexpectedly that most of the time, they are happy about it, but not me.

Austin to me was a huge mistake that I couldn't get rid of. When I first found out that I was pregnant, I immediately wanted to get an abortion, but unfortunately that all changed because I couldn't find a way to get the money. With Keith ending up in jail, and me not having a job it just wasn't even possible. But surprisingly, Zayn ended up giving me the money to support the baby once he was born, and that's when I realized Zayn still had feelings for me.

Austin's POV
So we're at my favorite restaurant, but I'm not happy.

Mummy and Jake have been ignoring me all night. She's always around him, and I never have time to speak to her.

She's always to busy to take me to the park, pick me up from school, or just basically anything. I hate it when she's around Jake, she acts like he's my dad and he can tell me what to do.

Mum won't talk to me about my real father, and I'm starting to think that she doesn't want me to know.

AN: So Perrie tried to talk to Zayn again.

But Zayn hates it when Perrie talks about what happened.

And is Perrie using her boyfriend?

Will she ever tell Austin about his real father? And will she ever show more attention to her son?

Sorry if it's not as interesting, I was just really busy with my exams! I promise that the chapters will get better!

Thanks For Reading!!! 😊❤️

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