Chapter 9- Talk

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Zayn's POV
I woke up at four in the morning to the sound of vomiting and gagging coming from our bathroom, and of course I knew exactly who it was.

So I slowly made my way out of bed, and ambled into our bathroom, and saw Harry kneeled down in front of the toilet, releasing all of his dinner from last night.

I walked over to him, and got on my knees."You okay?" I asked as he flushed the toilet.

He rested his head on my shoulder and coughed a bit."Yeah I'm fine, just another case of morning sickness again." He said while rubbing his hands over his stomach.

I smiled widely and helped the boy up, he starts to brush his teeth and I went back to bed.

After he was done, he tiredly got into bed. I flipped over on my side, and placed my hand on top of his tummy.

Our baby is growing inside of him.

Thinking of me and Harry having another baby immediately puts me in my thoughts.

How am I suppose to tell Harry that Perrie's back? How will he handle it?

Harry clearly told me that he never wanted to see her again, and actually his exact words were,

"I never want to see that bitch again."

Which obviously, and clearly states that he really doesn't like Perrie, but honestly who could blame him?

She has done so much to us in the past, and now that I mentioned it, she actually put my life in danger, just because of her stupid ex boyfriend Keith.

And thank goodness that all four of us were fine, because Harry was six months pregnant at the time, and he could have went into premature labor if we had stayed hostage any longer.

But ever since the twins were born, me and Harry have not talked about the situation again, but I still think about it every time I see pictures of when Harry was pregnant.

But know since Harry is pregnant again, I don't want him to be around anything that will stress him out, and that's exactly what is going to happen if he knows that me and Perrie are going to be working together.

He hates Perrie more than anything, and he definitely does not want her around him or me, and especially Caden and Ava.

But on the other hand, I haven't seen her in years, so she might have changed by then.

But I totally doubt it.

Harry's POV
"Daddy, Daddy!?" I hear a cheerful little voice constantly calling me.

I looked over next to me and saw Ava kneeling down on the floor."Hey Ava, what do you need sweetie?" I asked.

"The doorbell ringed! Can I answer it!?" She asked me, because I have always told her and Caden to not open doors to strangers.

I was still a bit tired, so I barely knew what was going on."Umm...sure."

The little girl runs to the front door. "Who is it!?" She yelled.

"It's uncle Louis!"

"YAY!" She screams before she jumps around and quickly opens the door, revealing the blue eyed boy.

"Hey Ava!" He says as she jumps into his arms and he closes the door.

He walks over to the recliner, and sits down with her sitting in his lap."Hey Haz, how have you been today?" He asks.

"Tired." I said as I moved all of my work papers off of me.

Ava wraps her tiny arm around Louis's neck, and he smiles as she looks at his new, and interesting tattoos."Yeah I'm a bit tired too. All of this fucki...oh umm..I mean this paperwork is getting on my last nerves." He replied, and being cautious of what he says because Ava is in the room.

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