Chapter Twenty-Seven

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Chris's POV

I glanced at the suitcases that were shoved into the corner of the living room. I wasn't serious about throwing it all out. I was waiting for Khadijah to come get it. It's been a week and she still hasn't contacted me. Even though I didn't want to admit it, I was really worried. Literally all her stuff was here. Why hasn't she come to get it? Of course I'm still mad but I hope nothing terrible happened to her.

"Why don't you just call Khadijah? You're obviously concerned," Mariah said.

"No, I'm not," I scoffed.

"Yeah, you are. You've been staring at the luggage for like 5 minutes. I know you miss her."

"It's not 'cause I miss her. It's 'cause I want that shit out my house."

"So, why don't you call her to ask her to stop by and get them?" Mariah questioned.

"Because I don't want to," I responded.

I refuse to call Khadijah before she calls me. I have way too much pride to do that.

"So childish," Mariah mumbled under her breath. "You want me to talk to her? What's her number?"

I know Khadijah's number by heart so I recited it with ease. Mariah dialed the number then put the phone up to her ear. After a few seconds she put the phone back down.

"No answer," Mariah stated.

What the fuck am I supposed to do now? This is our only means on communication and she's not responding.

"You don't know the numbers of any of her friends? Or anyone in her family? Maybe you can talk to them and see if they know anything," Mariah suggested.

I thought about it but couldn't come up with anybody. I knew Khadijah had an Aunt in Chicago but I don't know how to contact her.

"No," I answered.

Mariah slowly shook her head back and forth like I was a disappointment. "I still can't believe you kicked her out like that."

"She cheated on me!" I defended myself.

"It doesn't matter. What you did was wrong no matter how many times you try to justify it."

"It wasn't wrong," I stated.

Mariah rolled her eyes at me. "You're so stubborn! Khadijah might be in serious trouble all because you made a stupid, spur-of-the-moment, decision. How isn't that wrong?"

I couldn't even get a word in because Mariah kept on talking.

"Chris, I know you're type. You cheat on your girl all the time but when she does it back, you go crazy. And don't even say you never cheated because I know that's a lie. Thats what the fight was about, wasn't it? How can you get mad at Khadijah for doing something one time when you've done it a million times? I can't stand hypocrites. You really need to grow up," She said.

Mariah was beginning to sound like my mother and I was tired of listening. I faked a yawn and closed my eyes.

"I'm tired. Let's finish this conversation tomorrow," I said.

Mariah didn't say anything. I heard her footsteps sounding farther and farther away. As soon as the door closed, I opened my eyes again. I grabbed the remote and began to mindlessly flip through the chanels. Once again, my mind trailed off to think about Khadijah.

I wonder if she's still even in Los Angeles? Maybe she's traveling and that's why she can't answer her phone. I have so many other theories along with that one. Her battery could've died. She could've lost her entire phone. Maybe she just didn't want to answer an unknown number? I should test out my last thought and see if it's true. I didn't want to be the one to call her so I needed to find somebody else. It was frustrating that Khadijah came from both a small and a broken home. She virtually had no family. She didn't have many friends either. The only one that I can recall is Kiana. Kiana! How did I forget about her before? I quickly grabbed my phone and proceeded to call her.

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