Chapter 28

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I sighed and leaned against the tree behind me. " You're gonna tell me anyway, so just tell me." I said. He smiled a wicked smile, his fangs giving him an even creepier look.

" Yes, you know how the First Spinjitzu Master created Ninjago, but, at one point, we were friends. We ventured through out his land, giving it the final touches. We stumbled upon a cave one day, and we went in. He was the one attacked by the large serpent, but he wasn't destroyed, he was knocked down. I snuck past the serpent and found the entrance to the UnderWorld. I was then attacked by shadows, corrupted, and became one of them. A shadow. And it was his fault. He had the power to destroy the snake, to not fake being injured. But he didn't." He seethed. " He let me run in there and loose the only thing I had: My life. Since you are the Chosen one, hand selected by The First Spinjitzu Master, it only seems fair to destroy you. But you have your protectors, the Elemental Ninja. So, I attacked you in a way that couldn't be fought."

" You captured my parents." I concluded.

" Exactly..." He hissed. " But, since your little portectors aren't here, and are all dealing with my little friends.....You are mine for the taking!" He screeched, swinging a sword at me. I quickly ducked, my heart beating out of my chest.

" Hold still, you myopic mortal!!" He screamed, still trying to hit me with his sword. I kept dodging, with only one thought on my mind: I wasn't going to survive this battle.

" Lloyd, cover your head!" Someone shouted. I covered my head and saw a bright flash of light, and heard the Overlord scream one last time, his sword falling out of his hand. I put my arms down and saw all four ninja standing together, Triumphant grins on their faces. I looked where the Overlord once was and saw he has disappeared

" Guys!" I shouted, getting up. We all cheered happily. We had defeated the Overlord.

" Bravo, ninja! You have passed your test!!" A voice boomed.

" Test?" We said in unison.

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