Chapter 9

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A few hours later I woke up from another nightmare. I sighed and sat up, rubbing my eyes. No point in trying to sleep....I resolved, standing up and getting out of my tent. I looked at my watch and saw it was only 4:52 A.M. I sighed and walked to the van. I opened the back doors and took a granola bar, opened the wrapper, and took a bite. I walked over to the firepit and sat down. I stared at the wood for a moment before deciding to change out the wood and start a fire. After I had a fire going, I sat back down and finished my granola bar. At about 5:12 A.M, Uncle Wu came out of his tent, teapot and cup in hand.

" Lloyd, why aren't you sleeping like the others?" He asked, starting up the camping stove. I didn't want to admit that they had scared the living daylights out of me last night, so I simply shrugged and replied.

" Too excited for another day of camping fun." He nodded his head slowly, and removed his tea kettle from the camping stove.

" The others will be up in half an hour for a quick breakfast before sunrise exercise. Why don't you go talk a short walk through the woods while you wait?" He suggested, pouring himself a cup of tea. I nodded and got up.

" Thanks, Uncle." I said, smiling. I walked into the woods, and eventually found a peaceful meadow. I sat down on a rock and took in my surroundings. The sun hadn't completely risen yet, but it was still light enough to look around. My eyes eventually stopped on a single tree. Something was carved into it's trunk. I walked over and read the ancient hand writing. G + M. I stared at it for a minute and it dawned on me who wrote that message. My parents. I smirked, and looked at my watch. 5:58 A.M. I quickly ran out of the meadow and followed the same path that brought me here back to camp, knowing that if I was late, I would be in trouble with my parents, with Uncle Wu, and with the ninja.

Missing- My 2014 Halloween storyWhere stories live. Discover now