Chapter 15

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I sighed and crawled out of the tent. Something was wrong. There was no fire, no marshmallows roasting, not even a single wise-crack being made!! They were gone.

" Guys!" I called, looking around camp. I looked in each of their own tents finding them empty. I checked down by the lake, behind my tent, in the van, and in the Sensei's tents. They had vanished. I wanted to go tell my parents what had happened, but they were talking about prophesies, scrolls, and tea. And they were not to be disturbed. I sat down in my chair and looked around. Where could they be! I lit the fire with my powers to give me some light, but it didn't help much. That's when their tales began to get to me. What if they were right? What if there are different monsters living in the forests of this campsite? I thought. I closed my eyes and leaned back in my chair.

A moment later, a large amount of cold water was dumped on my head. My eyes shot open, and a scream escaped my mouth. I quickly stood up and looked around. The fire had been not only put out, but frozen. I quickly looked around, hoping that it was just the ninja. An arrow shot over my head, and lodged itself in a tree. I shot a lightning bolt in the direction of where the arrow came from. Someone shouted, but quickly fled. I was about to run to interrupt my parents discussion when someone grabbed my shoulder, their other hand covered my mouth.I stepped on the persons foot, causing them to loose their grip on me, but they remained silent. I grabbed the persons arm and flipped them, the person unfortunately landing on the ice block of a firepit.

   I heard the sound of a sword being unsheated and snapped around. Another person, dressed in a black ninja outfit, swung a sword at me. I quickly stepped backwards to dodge it, forgetting the other person was behind me. He grabbed my ankle and pulled my leg out from under me. I slammed into the dirt, every bit of air knocked out of me.


The crazy swordsman lifted his sword above his head. I gasped and rolled out of the way as his sword slammed into the dirt where I once layed defenseless. I forced myself to my feet and looked around. I counted a total of four crazy maniacs, wielding weapons. The third ( The first one is on the ground ) one pulled out a sword. I quickly jumped over the chairs and made a mad dash to the forest. Out of no where, the fourth one blocked my path. I skidded to a stop, and was eye to eye with a person who, clearly, wanted me dead. Soon, the other three surrounded me, their swords drawn. I had no way of escaping. They began closing in, each stepping in sync with the one next to them.

" Sensei! Dad!" I shouted, trying to escape, without having to use my elemental powers, or any powers for that matter, on them. The four swordsmen began laughing, dropping their swords. I felt my face grow hot as I realized what had happened. My team had pranked me.

" What is going on?" Someone shouted from behind three of the ninja. They turned around and were blinded by my Dad's flashlight. The first swordsman revelaed himself to be Cole.

" We were just having a little fun with Lloyd, Sensei." He said. The others removed their masks and agreed with him. Anger raged inside of me.

" Fun! You scared me! You threatened to dice me into tiny pieces with your swords! You dumped freezing cold waer on me! It's like, Fifty degrees out here!" I shouted.

" Lloyd-"

" No, stop it! I just saved your lives and defeated the greatest evil Ninjago has ever known and then my team treats me like this! I can't believe you guys!" I shouted. Without thinking, I threw in one more comment.

" You are the worst team ever!" I instantly felt guilt at what I had said. I felt tears come into my eyes, and I ran off before they could see them, and have any satifaction at what they had done. I ran into the woods, hot tears streaming down my face. I didn't know where I was going. And I didn't care either.. As long as it was far away from them.

Missing- My 2014 Halloween storyKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat