Chapter 6

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I sat in the chair infront of everyone and smirked deviously. I popped a marshmallow in my mouth before beginning.

" Dsish yis ap dale meh fatsher-" I began before being cut off by Cole.

" Don't speak with your mouth full of marshmallow." He instructed, taking a bite of chocolate. I rolled my eyes and swallowed.

Our story begins on a night like tonight, in this very forest that we are in now. A girl and her brother were out camping on the exact campground we are at tonight. There was a full moon, and wolves were howling endlessly.

Just as I finished that sentence, wolves howled ominously. I smirked at the great timing and continued:

The brother and sister were roasting marshmallows, when suddenly, a great roar blew out their fire, and left them in the pitch black. They looked around, but all they saw were beaming yellow eyes, staring at them from out of the darkness. Not saying a word, the boy tried to start the fire again, but failed. The girl searched for the flashlights, but instead of finding something hard and metal, she discovered a cold, scaly, slimy, many spiked hand. She shrieked, but to no avail. The hand pulled her into blackness, and pressed its other hand onto her mouth, muffling any noise she made. Her brother freaked out, and started running around in circles, Like any young boy would do. He heard a scratching, rustling, crawling sound, coming closer and closer every second. Like the good idiot that he was, he thought it was his sister, and walked over to where the sound projected from. He kept walking, and smashed right into the beast who had captured his sister. This beast had 6 arms, His eyes were the most vibrant shade of blue, and glowed in the moonlight. His back was covered with plates, and he had spikes over every inch of him. The boy fainted at this monstrosity, making him all the easier to capture. The two children were never heard from again, but the monster lives to this very day......

Lightning filled the sky, causing everyone to jump. I scanned the sky for a moment, making sure there was no more surprises.

" It's fine, just a little heat lightning." I said, reassuring everyone.

" But it's October, why would there be heat lightning?" Zane asked, looking around.

" Because it was heat lightning." I said, mimicing the way Zane spoke. He rolled his eyes and everyone began laughing.

" Who's next?" I asked, rubbing my hands together. Zane shrugged and stood up.

" I'll give it a go." He said, sitting down in the story telling seat. He looked over at Lloyd and smiled smypatheticly. Lloyd sat in his chair, hands over his ears, blanket wrapped around him like the tail of Skalidor, the Contrictai general.

" Lloyd, there is no more lightning." Zane said, getting up and removing Lloyd's hands from his ears.

" What about thunder?" He asked, breaking Zane's grip and covering his ears again. I shook my head. Lloyd, always scared of the little things......I thought.

" No thunder either. Now, I'm telling my story, then we are going to go to our tents. Alright, Lloyd?" Zane said, removing his hands off his ears again, holding tight to his wrists. Lloyd tried to pull his wrists out of his grasp, but was unable. He sighed, and leaned back in his chair.

" Fine, I'll listen." He said. Zane smiled, released his wrists and strode over to his own chair and sat down. Lloyd rubbed his wrists and popped a marshmallow in his mouth.

Short Story By: Lego Message Board User- Ked830

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