Chapter 16

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" Lloyd!" We all called, but he kept running. I was about to run after him when Sensei caught me by the back of my outfit. I fell to the dirt with a sigh. I stood up and lined up with the others.

" Whose idea was it to PRANK HIM LIKE THAT!!!" Sensei Wu shouted. A owl flew from the tree behind us.

" Sensei, you scared an owl you're so scary....." Kai said, his blue eyes wide-open. Sensei glared at him.

" I want an answer, NOW!" He ordered. It was truely all of our ideas, but I don't think Sensei will wanna punish all of us. I sighed and stepped foward.

" It was me, Sensei. Lloyd seemed to not be having as much fun as the rest of us, so I thought, maybe if we have a little fun with him....That maybe he'll loosen up." I admitted. He looked at us and nodded.

" You are all dismissed. Go to your tents." He said, walking away. We all bowed respectfully and walked to our tents.

" Do you think they'll find the munchkin?" Kai asked, unzipping the flap of his tent.

" One would hope so, but....." Zane said, stopping. We all looked at him expectantly.

" It seems as if he doesn't want to be found."

Later that night......

Later that night, I was woken up by the sound of people quietly talking. I sat up and looked out the window of my tent. Sensei Garmadon and Misako led Lloyd back into camp. His hair was a mess, his eyes were red and puffy from crying, and he didn't seem to want to be back in camp. He silently walked back to his tent and crawled inside. They stood there for a moment, hesitaing. Misako turned to Sensei Garmadon and said something I couldn't make out over the chirping of cicadas. Sensei replied, and lucky for me, I caught the end of what they were saying.

".......Trust him, it'll be fine." She nodded and went to her tent. Sensei Garmadon walked over to the fire and dumped water on it. After making sure the fire was out, he went to his own tent. What does he mean? I thought.

" Jay!" Someone whispered.

Missing- My 2014 Halloween storyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora