Chapter 1

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Hello, readers. The story you are about to read is about five Ninja, one Samurai, two Senseis, and an Archeologist. If you do not like thrillers, practical jokes, and for some unknown reason, comedies, then this story is not for you. You have been warned......


" Are we there yet?" I moaned, slouching in my seat. My dad sighed and looked at me from the passenger seat.

" You have asked the same question five times in the past thirty minutes. No, we are not there yet." He told me. I sighed loudly and slouched even more.

" Lloyd, I'm surprised you haven't passed out yet from all of your sighing." Kai said from the seat behind me.

" Technically, he wouldn't pass out from sighing, it is physically impossible to sigh for that long" Zane put in, opening one eye, and glaring at the others. He closed his eye and returned to meditating.

" How have you been meditating this entire time? We have been driving for like, eight hours." Cole asked, looking up from his book.

" And you have been reading since we rented this van ten hours ago. How long does it honestly take someone to read a two-hundred fifty-seven page book?" Zane replied, his eyes still closed. Cole rolled his eyes and returned to reading his book. I sat up and turned backwards to look at Jay.

" Hey, Jay! Do you have an extra video game on you?" I asked hopefully.

" No, didn't you bring your own?" Jay said, consentrating on his game. I turned foward and went back to slouching. My Mom, who was sitting in the same row as me, nudged me with her elbow.

" Lloyd, have a look." She said mysteriously. I sat up and looked out the window just as we passed a sign that read:

Welcome to the Ninjago Camping Grounds!!

" We're here!" Uncle Wu shouted from the driver's seat. Uncle Wu rolled down the window as a park ranger walked up to the van.

" Welcome to the Ninjago Camping grounds, sir." The ranger said, handing Uncle Wu a map.

" Have a great time camping!" The ranger shouted as we drove away.

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