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This is a really big chapter! That is Loki's symbol.

I woke up to Loki shaking my shoulder. I opened my eyes to see him leaning over me and smiling. I knew why and I knew that I had a nervous feeling in my stomach. I sat up in my bed and stretched and looked over to him.

" Today is the day princess," Loki said.

I nodded my head and swung my legs over the side of my bed. I decided to grab the comfiest thing in my closet. I decided that I didn't want to look to nice since I would be going through surgery. I walked into the bathroom and changed. I put my hair up into a messy ponytail. I walked out and saw Loki waiting for me.

" Even when you try to dress down you still look nice. Come here I got you something," Loki said monitoring me to go towards him.

I slowly made my way to him. I stood in front of him, realizing how much taller than me he was. He pulled a long box out from his pocket. He opened it up and inside sat a little bracelet. My eye widened and I looked up at him.

" Loki it is beautiful," I said in shock.

He took it out of the box and wrapped the gold bracelet around my wrist. A little charm hung off of it. I looked at the charm and the symbol on it had two snakes intertwined with each other.

" Loki, what i this symbol," I asked.

" That is the symbol that was given to me when I was born. I thought it would be nice if I gave it to you," he said.

I looked up at him and placed a small peck on his lips. He smiled wide and grabbed my hand. We walked down to the infirmary together. Once we were down there Odin was already standing there waiting for us. I think Odin is more excited than I was.

Helena walked over to me and smiled. She took my hand and looked me dead in the eyes.

" Bella, are you sure you want to do this still," Helena asked.

I nodded. Helena sighed and showed me to the table I will be on when I get the surgery. She had me lay down and look straight up.

" Loki and Odin, I am sorry but you will need to leave the room," Helena said to the both of them.

They both nodded and walked out. Helena walked away and about five minutes later I heard someone walk in. I looked to my right and saw a woman standing there, it was Frigga.

" Bella. This is your last chance. Are you sure you want to do this," Frigga asked.

" I do want to do this. I can be with you guys for five thousand years. I want to be with Loki," I said smiling.

" Oh, my dear. I wish you would be smart about this and pick the right choice," Frigga said.

She placed her hand one my arm and rubbed her thumb slightly there. She gave me a weak smile and walked away. I wondered what sh had meant by the right decision. I laid there for another ten minutes and then a group of about ten doctors came into the room.

Helena place a needle in my arm and put some sort of liquid in my arm. I knew it was like nothing on Midgard because it began to work as soon as it was in me. The room started to fade out and soon I was under.

Loki's POV

Helena made my father and I leave the room during Bella's surgery. It was understandable but I just wished that I could be in there for her. It still fathomed me that she had only been here for a couple weeks and already was able to leave her life behind to stay here. We haven't been dating for that long and yet we both know that we both want to be together forever.

I went out to the training courtyard so I could go talk to Thor. Sure enough he was there swinging his new hammer around. It still made me mad that my father would want to make a fool out of me just to prove that Thor was the better son. I pushed the thought to the back of my mind and walked over to Thor.

" Hello brother. Where is Bella," Thor said.

" She is getting her surgery today. I wasn't allowed to stay with her," I said.

I sighed and looked out onto the kingdom. The kingdom was lively today. I though that maybe there was a party going on but then I realized that all the adolescents were out on the town. I wish I could be out there with them but no one my age likes me.

" Loki, I am sure she will be fine. Just keep a good mind," Thor said.

I shot my powers and sent him backwards. I started laughing hysterically at the sight of him sitting on the ground. I was trying to get the thought of Bella out of my mind for the moment and doing that seemed to do the trick.

" What was that for," Thor yelled.

I shrugged my shoulders. Thor came charging at me but I jumped out of the way. I fell flat on his stomach.

" Ugh you little God of Mischief," Thor yelled at me trying to grab my ankle.

" Yep exactly," I laughed.

I had no idea what was going on with Bella at the time but in the moment I was able to get my mind off of it. It was the first time I was able to laugh with my brother for years.

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