Chapter 29 - Hard Truths

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If you get the chance listen to 'Hello' by Adele. I think pretty much everyone's heard it, but for those of you that haven't. This is an amazing song, by an amazing singer, who I think should have done the theme song for Spector. She was amazing for Skyfall and I just don't feel that Sam smiths song has lived up, even close, to Adele's performance for the amazing James Bond film.

Scott's pov (10th February)

Clara's been acting weird. I don't know what's the matter with her, but I don't think I've even heard her laugh in over 3 weeks. I'm getting worried because that's just not her. She's usually really bubbly and happy, that's why I love her she lights up the room. Now though, she's not being the same and she won't tell me what's the matter, always changing the subject or moving and doing something else.

I want to know what's going on with her, is this relationship breaking her down? Because I know we've had to sneak around a lot more at school than we ever have before. Maybe it's all getting to her?

I stop my internal thoughts and get up out of bed. I walk out of the room and downstairs where I see clara at the stove. I don't know what she's doing, so I walk over to her and wrap my arms around her waist. She moves out of my arms and over to the fridge.

"Right I've had enough of this. What the hell is going on?" I said wanting an explanation.

"What do you mean?" She says even though I can tell she knows exactly what I mean. "You know what I mean. Why are you being off with me? Has someone said something to you? Do you not wanna be with me anymore? Do you want to be with someone else?" I ask not realising that she's trying to say something and I carry on "is there someone else? Are you worried about someone finding out about us? Because I am too, I'm scared to loose you! I can't lose you , so baby please tell me what's wrong and we can get through it together i promi-"

"I'm pregnant!"

Still silence. I don't know what to think.

I've gotten another girl pregnant way before they can even live. I've done it again, I can't do this, not again. Not to clara. "Can you repeat that so I know that I'm not going mad"

"I'm pregnant. I'm having your baby and there's nothing we can do, because I can't have an abortion, I already tried and I can't go through with it-" she said making me interrupt

"I'm sorry you what?! You tried to have an abortion without even telling me!" I shouted angry that she tried to decide something like that without even telling me first.

"I didn't go through with it! I couldn't!" She shouted back trying to reason with me, but I'm not sure her words were enough for something like this. "That's not the point! That is my baby and you were just going to kill it like its nothing. Well no! I'm not standing for that, that's utter bullshit!" I started then I remembered that at Christmas I tried to get her pregnant, but because I hadn't heard anything otherwise I presumed she would be fine, so I followed with, "how far along are you?"

"I'm 4 weeks. Why, what's that face for?" She said still looking pissed off, however she didn't have a reason to be pissed off at the moment. I need to tell her I tried to get her pregnant over Christmas, but that would mean that she would be 7 weeks by now. So I never got her pregnant when I tried to, but yet now she's still pregnant... I need to tell her.

"I need to tell you something. When we went to that hotel over Christmas.... I tried to get you pregnant, in a moment of madness when I thought I was going to lose you to someone else-" I stopped my rambling when clara cut me off.

"Hold on! You tried to get me pregnant?! I'm still at school! Do you know how bad that would be, how bad it is now?! We are going to lose everything!" She shouts at me at the top of her voice.

"I know how stupid it was and I thought that because you didn't say anything, that it was fine. It was stupid and I know that. I'm sorry but we can get through this okay. We can do this I know we can because I love you and I want us to have a life together. I'll stop being a teacher if you want me to, I'll get a job elsewhere and we can be together without anyone saying anything! I promise I'll do anything it takes." I actually released a tear at that moment, but it was useless.

"Get out of my sight... Your too late the damage has already been done, we can't be together now because they'll know that this is your baby and that you got me pregnant whilst you were still a teacher. We've lost everything! It's all your fault and I hate you for it! I hate what you've done to us! We were good. We were happy and you reined it by trying to get me pregnant! Why would I leave you? Huh? Why would I put everything on the line for you and leave?! My schooling, my grades, my chance to get into college and university, my chance at a career? I put that all on the line to be with you because I loved you... And now we can't be together. Our chance is gone now..." She said getting quieter by the end, tears down her face.

I knew it was all true, but I didn't want to hear it. I don't want our baby to be something that rips us apart. Children are supposed to bring people together.

" If I'd have gotten you pregnant, then you would have been 7 weeks pregnant, so it didn't work anyway... It must have been another time after that that it happened. I'm telling you what I did because I don't want to keep things from you. Because I love you too much to lie to you. And I know you still love me, so I'm gonna go to work, I'll go get the kids ready and take them. You get yourself ready and I'll see you in the car." I said calmly. I was done fighting.

As I walked out the kitchen and round the corner I saw Lilly and Ivy sat on the stairs crying and huddling next to each other. Oh shit! They heard us arguing. I walked over to them and scooped them both up into a big hug.

"Are you and mummy not friends anymore?" Ivy asked into my shoulder. I wanted to cry hearing her say that. I pulled the out of the hug.

"We're still friends baby, we're just having an argument, you know like when you and Lilly sometimes argue over things" they both nod " well it's the same thing, but ours is just an adult argument. I hope everything will be fine okay? So come on my princesses, let's go and get ready for school and nursery" they nod, wipe their tears and run off up the stairs with me not far behind them.

I'll give clara her time, but I'm not giving up on her. Not by a long shot.

Sorry it's been so long, but I've still got my external to finish. It's due in next Thursday on the 5th, so I'm focusing on that. I just wanted to get this out there so people don't think I'm abandoning this book. I'm not! I've just got a very busy schedule at the moment. My next update maybe the end of this week, but most likely not until after the 5th November unfortunately.

Anyway things are starting to turn now... How will things work out for  them? Good or bad?

Well this is 1265 words so it's quite long, so I hope u enjoyed it let me know!

Emma xx

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