Chapter 22- oh my god!

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Sexual content- again *** will be put in when those parts are there.

Clara's POV
It's now 6:00 and we've seen both Scott's parents and have had the great pleasure of seeing my parents for 10 whole minutes before they ran off. Scott thinks it's unbelievable that they can walk away from their children on Christmas Day, but to me it's been the same way for years.

We brought Ivy back to my mum and dads with us because she wanted to stay with Lilly for the night. She'll be staying here, at my mum and dads for tonight, because Scott says he has another present with him that we can't have the kids around for, which does make me anxious.

"Right, night night Lilz I'll see you in the morning" I said giving her a huge hug and kisses. I went round my family and hugged and kissed them.

When I got to Ivy I wasn't sure if she'd want me to give her a hug or if she even wanted me to say goodbye to her, but her being a 4 year old meant she couldn't understand what was happening in her family and excepted me. I found this out, when she ran from her daddy's arms and over into my legs, nearly knocking me over. I laughed and hugged her back "we'll see you tomorrow won't we clara?" She asked and I nodded and replied with a bubbly "yes, of course darling"

She smiled up at me and jumped out of my arms whilst shouting "com'on Lilly! Let's go play with the dress up! That was so fun." And both girls went upstairs laughing and giggling at whatever it was they were doing.

"Right come on then baby girl,  we best get going" he said looking down at me whilst giving my arse a squeeze. I smiled at him slightly confused and nodded, before we left.

We were in the car for 45 minutes, with some traffic on the M25 to a still unbeknown place. I was anxious and yet quite excited, I've never been one to say no to a surprise. This whole time in the car I've been discreetly watching him and to tell you the truth it's really turning me on watching him. He looks so manly and like he's on a mission which is incredibly sexy.

But the thing that's got me the most is his hands.

I have a hand fetish, I don't know why, but if a guy has good looking hands it automatically makes them attractive to me and his hands look really good to me. Weird I know but it's me and if people don't like it they know where to stuff their judgments...

We pulled up in a car park and Scott looked over at me and said "now that you've finished looking at me, shall we go?" I looked at him. Maybe I wasn't as discrete as I thought but nodded my head excited now to see what we were doing here.

There were buildings all around and we walked straight over to one that was white from the outside. It said 'fortune fountain hotels' (AN sorry for the really unimaginable name, not really feeling like taking 20 mins to decide on one atm soz xx).

We walked in and it was stunning! Marble flooring, delicate furniture making up the space they have in the entrance. It was amazing!

We walked up to the reception desk and a bright looking woman, about 20, looked up and smiled at us and asked "hello welcome to fortune fountain hotels how can I help you?"

Scott replied with "hello, there should be a room for me under the name 'Myer'?" The woman smiled and looked up the name on her computer before saying "yes your room 50, here the key card. I hope you both have a nice stay here and smiling slightly more when she looked at Scott.

We both walked over to the escalators that they had in there and went up them to the first and then 2nd floor and walked down and nicely made up corridor and to the room number 50.

Scott opened the door and then waited for me to go inside. I walked in and I was absolutely stunned that he'd done this for me. A hotel room. It was amazing, it looked so beautiful, I didn't know what to do so I let out the tears that wanted release.

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