Part 2- Im sorry.

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👆 This is a pic of Scott Myer. The Sexy Henry Cavill 😍😍 he's amazing!  

Clara PoV
Why did someone so hot have to be such a jerk? He's looking straight at me and I feel like he's looking into my soul or something. It's creepy!

He turns away from me and tells everyone to go in a sit wherever we want. We file in one by one filling up the room and me and my friends get the back row and settle down for our last year of school. Wow year 11. How did we get here? I can still remember my first day in year 7, that's scary! Here we are now in the most 'important time in our school lives', or so we've been told.

To be honest I couldn't give a damn, my mum and dad have money, so if I ever need money I know where I can go for it, but it would definitely be an iou because I would never take money from them without having some way of giving it back, I don't want anything that was theirs and I don't want to be one of those people that everyone looks at and says 'hey, that's the girl that just takes money from daddy, she's never done anything for herself' because I have. My dad owns a business and I help there every weekend to get some money and also experience, because let's face it I'm not going to get decent job from my school grades.

Whilst I'm having my inner talk Mr jerkthatsreallyhot is at the front introducing himself, "hiya my name is Scott Myer (AN pronounced miy-er) although you all need to call me Mr Myer and I'm your new registration teacher and I'm also the new english teacher, being that we're in the english department" he said with a jaw dropping smile showing off his pearly white teeth.
He looks straight at me and says, "how about we talk about ourselves by going around the room and saying our names, birthdates and 5 things about yourself" pointing to me he says "you start".
I take a deep breath and say "my name is Clara Porters and I'm 15 years old, 16 next week, on 8th of September. My 5 facts would be, I've got 2 brothers, 1 sister and my brothers just had my niece with his wife of 6 months. And no we didn't know they were pregnant before the wedding. My dad owns a business, I hate school, I love all music and I'm 6 days away from being legal." I said with a big smirk covering my face, whilst everyone laughed. Mr Myer looked red as a beetroot, it was hilarious!

Mr Myer looked me dead in the eye and my smirk fell off my face. "Stay behind afterwards" he said fiercely to me and then it followed with " and if anyone else wishes to say anything that's inappropriate after this warning I'll make sure that this first day of school will be your last!" He looked furious.

The rest of the class went around quickly, when Mr Myers started handing out our weekly planners and our schedules of our classes, however I wasn't given mine. I put up my hand and waited patiently for Mr Myers to look up at me and ask me what my dilemma was. I waited and waited for an hour. Okay that was an exaggeration but it was a really long time.

Finally I just put my hand down and shouted out "sir, I don't have my-" when I was interrupted "yes I know sit down" he said. "Hang on, you don't even know what I was going to say!" I responded quickly enough to get in my whole sentence before he replied with,"yes I do, you don't have your schedule and you were wondering where yours was. I haven't given you yours because otherwise you won't stay behind afterwards." "Whys that sir?" I said genuinely confused "because you will see where you've got next and go, at least if you don't know where your going, you won't have anywhere to rush off to." He said giving me a devilish smile. Damn! Even I didn't think of that. I can tell he's going to be a difficult man to overthrow when need be.
I say back in my chair and conversed with Abbie, Amy, Sam and Dan waiting for the bell to ring to signal my death warrant was here.
When the bell rang I said I'd meet them in the usual place at break, outside the canteen and gathered my bag and walked to the front of the classroom.
I stood there till the next bell went, when finally Mr Myer looked at me and said "now that your late for you're next class let me begin by saying-" "WHAT! You waited for me to be late to start talking?! Your such a-" I shouted when he stopped me and said "I wouldn't continue that sentence if I were you and yes I did because you made a very rude and inappropriate comment AND decided to come to school barely dressed and considering that this is the only day that supposed to be non uniform without reason, I understand why, because people like you think that you can do what you want and try to whore yourselves out to all the male population-"SMACK!

I gave him such a wallop that my hand stung. "Fuck!" I shouted because that really hurt, whilst Mr Myer just held the left side of his face in this hand and started at me open mouthed. My breathing was ragged and my eyes looked everywhere but at him. After a few seconds Mr Myer pulled his hand from his face and said way too calmly,"look at me." I didn't, so he repeated "look. At. Me" a bit fiercer this time but still too calmly, if someone had slapped me I would be kicking their ass by now. So I look up slowly. "Look I'm sorry okay. I shouldn't have said that you were a whore, your not and I shouldn't have called you out on being the reason for this being the only time your allowed to wear no school uniform for no reason. That was horrible and unprofessional of me."

I just stared at him, not knowing what to do or say. So he continued "you are getting 3 days worth of detentions though." "What?! Why? Did you not just recall what you said your the one in the wrong not me-" " yes and I apologised for that, but 1 is for the dress wear, another for the comment made earlier and just now for swearing in front a teacher. Though I could give you another if you want me to for the smack as well?" He stated knowing it was a rhetorical question I didn't answer.

"Right off you go then you've got maths first with Mrs Burtch." I groaned not only was I late, but I was late with the wicked witch of the west too. I grabbed my schedule and stormed out of the room with Mr Myer calling out "I'll see you here after school miss porters!" Shit I'm in big trouble with mum when I get home.

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