Part 5- Whats with all the questions?

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Clara's PoV
I was woken up by Lilly jumping up and down on my bed shouting, "Clara! Clara wake up, mummies shouting at daddy!"

I quickly jumped up and ran out the room while Lilly ran after me. When I got downstairs I saw my mother looking furious and my dad looking ready to throw something or punch a wall. I've never seen them this bad before. Of course they've argued, but my dad usually just brushed it off and carried on with hid day. Dad was more laid back than my mum, however right now he wasn't, it must be something bad.

"Mum, dad! What's going on?!" I shouted above them, whilst Lilly stood behind me holding onto my t-shirt and shorts.

"Get up to your room and get dressed for school! Your grades went down last summer, so don't think about trying to lie about it! Your teacher told us-" my mum began ranting, but was soon interrupted by my dad shouting back at her, "her grades went up afterwards! Why do you only ever look at the bad in our children?! Your never happy are you!" He turned to me and said in a soft voice "go upstairs get yourself and Lilly ready for school and then take her to her breakfast club, okay?" I quickly nodded and ran upstairs looking at the time and seeing it was 8:00- hold on! 8:00!! We're gonna be late and all because I broke my alarm clock yesterday morning!

Me and Lilly ran upstairs, her in her room just down the hall and me in mine to get dressed. We always make sure the night before that her uniform is laid out and ready for the next day so she didn't need help getting everything sorted.

In 15 minutes we were all ready and running down the road and round the 3 corners it took to get to the alley where her school entrance was. I gave her a quick kiss at her classroom door and told her that I'd pick her up from her arts and crafts club after school at 4:30. I quickly ran round the corner and down the road till I got to the bottom where in the corner sat my dump of a school.

Looking at my phone I saw that it was 8:40. 'Yes! 5 minutes early' I thought. I didn't need another detention or I wouldn't be able to pick up Lilly.

15 minutes later we sat in registration form class and I heard talking all around me, but all I could do was stare back at the man at the front of the room looking straight into my eyes.

Looking at him for what seems like the first time, I realised what a handsome man he really was. 'he had dark brown hair, a straight jaw, blue eyes, the most flawless skin I'd ever seen and pink lips that I just wanted to sit and kiss all day-'

woah! Okay that's overstepping the mark now. Yeh he's absolutely gorgeous and made me weak at the knees, but he was also my teacher and its wrong to think about your teacher that way. Well it's not wrong to think like that because all schools have at least one decent looking teacher that they wouldn't mind in their bed, but you can't act on it and the way my thoughts were heading, I may not be able to stop myself from stripping off in front of him the next time we're alone.

"Miss porters. Can you stay behind afterwards please, I'd like a word" I gave a quick nod in response.

When everyone filed out of the room I walked to the front of the room and raised a brow at Mr Myer. He looked up and smiled at me and said "you're so cute when you sleep" I gave him a look saying 'you're creepy' he quickly stated "not in a weird way, I came upstairs last night to say goodnight and to inform you of what I told your parents, but you and your sister were asleep together. Do you often sleep in the same bed?" He asked.

I quickly turned around and said "my sister doesn't like falling alseep on her own, so I usually go into her room and read her a story or she reads me one of her books or she'll come into me and I'll take her to bed when she's asleep"

Mr Myer looks at me with a furrowed brow and said "isn't it strange for a 7 year old girl to not be able to sleep alone in bed?" I shook my head and said "not at all, a lot of children don't want to sleep alone, but for her it's different" I said dismissively.

"Why's it different for her? "He asked curiously, I however didn't want to answer so I simply told him that, "what is this, 20 questions? I don't want to answer okay, I'm going to class" before going to my next class.

As lunch time rolled around I had a message delivered to me by the message girl Tia. I told her 'thank you' and opened it up. It was to see Mr Myer at the end of the day, not a detention though, just for a quick word apparently. I went to my next class with Miss Robertson, no wonder she's still a 'miss' and not Mrs, she's a witch and shouted a lot.

I'd done reg with Mr Myers, science with miss Moynihan, Mr Frederick with maths, had a good old chat in P.E with Sam and Dan in me theobald's class, lunch where I found about that Blake Taylor, one of the hottest guys in our year, was Abbie's new flavour of the week. She said she'd bed him by the end of the week and she probably would she's a beautiful girl that just needs more standards and now I was going to miss Robertson's class for design technology (D.T) for the last 2 hours.

Once I was finally out of that God awful room I went straight for Mr Myer's room.

I don't know why I was so excited to be going, I suppose I felt I could let go with him a bit. As I walked in I realised that he was just finishing up a class and they all walked past me and out of the classroom. Embarrassing!

Mr Myer called me over and said "I talked to your mum and dad about your grades last night and you did well at the end of the year, your grades went up by quite a lot. Is there something that was helping you to concentrate on schoolwork?" I nodded. "Well? Do you want to tell me, so I can help to get your grades to where they could be?"

I sighed and said "what's with all the questions?" He looked shocked and then said "I know I shouldn't, but I'm interested in you... in ways I shouldn't be. I want to know how you tick and what pushes your buttons, so I can push them all at once." he said finally looking up at me dead in the eye and stated "I've never felt like this about anyone... ..... and I want to feel more"

I gulped and turned around before walking, stopping just at the door way and said "my sister. She's what helped me to concentrate" before walking out.

I got to Lilly's school 10 minutes before she normally gets out, so I waited. When she came out she ran at me and I caught her the same way I always do spinning her around, before telling her, "well, let me see your art work then" whilst smiling at her.

She showed me her picture and it was a beautiful picture of a girl running down a pathway and you could see all the detail in the picture. she very good at art for her age. A lot of people think her art is that of a 10 year olds style, which I'm immensely proud of, even if my parents aren't. They need to learn to move on from the past and see how well their baby girl is doing.

We made our way back home and prepared for an evening just the two of us since mum and dad are never around, Landon always spent Tuesday's and Thursday's with poppy and Lacey doing some sort of outside activity before going to their lakeside house and charlie was out tonight 'snapping up girls' as he liked to call it.

At 8:00 I read Lilly a story and she fell asleep. I spent the rest of the night with the tele on, but not really paying attention as I was thinking about Mr Myer and just how perfect he was, before going upstairs at 10:30 to bed for a 7:30 start in the morning with my phone alarm set. Hopefully I didn't break my phone in the morning.

I had one good dream after the other that night. All including Scott Myer.

Thank you so much to the people who have started reading this book and voting as well! It's all really appreciated. Comment at any time as well, I would like some feedback on this book! Thank you so much 😊
Emma xxx

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