Chapter 13- Whats this?

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Clara's PoV
It was Saturday now and the week has passed in a flash to me. I was laying in bed alone and it was 1:45 in the afternoon. Scott told me he'd be going to the shop this morning to get some food for the house.

I got up and went downstairs in one of Scott's big jumpers, Lilly was nowhere to be found either and I saw a note on the kitchen counter saying 'dear clara, gone to get the shopping and I've also got Lilly, no need to worry she's fine and I'll take her for an ice-cream or something as well. Won't be long, Scott xxx'

I decided to do some cleaning around the house and make it a bit cleaner for Scott, since I have been living here for nothing with my sister for these 2 weeks and me and Lilly will be going back home tomorrow. I think it's only a small gesture to show some of my appreciation.

I was cleaning round, when I put the duster on top of a stack of boxes in the cupboard, when it fell over, with all the items spilling out.

They were photographs. hundreds of photographs.

I picked one up and it was of Scott in what seemed to be a hospital room holding a baby. He looked so happy. So I picked up a pile of them and in them were him holding the baby or a woman holding her baby, I thought it may have been his sister, when I come across one where he's kissing her deeply whilst holding the baby.

I was confused, but I think I also kind of understood too, but I just didn't want to. I kept looking at pictures of Scott and this other woman, who was very beautiful holding, looking after and playing with this baby right up till the baby is about 1 years old, then they're just back to when the child as baby again.

Suddenly I come across a piece of paper in a neat looking plastic casing. A birth certificate. Ivy Cristina Myer.

My vision blurred. How could he keep this from me? He had a daughter with another woman and didn't tell me about it. I mean, we've all got baggage and a child doesn't make me not want him as my boyfriends anymore, but it does raise a lot of questions.

Who's the woman? Are they married? Am I the other woman? Does he not trust me? How couldn't he tell me? But the biggest of them all, where is this daughter of his and this mysterious woman?

The front door opens and Lilly and Scott come in. Scott sees what I've got and freezes immediately, I tell Lilly to go upstairs and not to come back down no matter what and she does as she's told.

"What the fuck is this?" I say to him tears streaming down my face. "it's not what your thinking! okay maybe half of it is but you have to let me explain what it is" he pleaded with me. "you have 5 minutes and then I'm gone!" I say loudly.

We sat down "Okay... When I was younger and in school, I fell in love with a girl, Maddison. She was great and was the girl I wanted to spend the rest of my life with at the time. When we were 18 she fell pregnant, it wasn't planned but we were happy. She dropped uni and said she wanted me to keep going for my dream of being a teacher whilst she got a job and then later looked after the baby. The day that Ivy was born I loved her. she was beautiful and looked exactly like her mother but also looked like me, I couldn't understand how the mix of us both looked so perfect in my arms. We were fine and happy, didn't have a lot of money but we got by. When Ivy was 10 and a half months old Maddison was in a car accident that I don't believe was an accident, because I got a threatening letter just a week before, telling me to give them money or they'd take something that I loved and then she died when I didn't hand over the money. I was broken for months and then Maddison's parents took Ivy from me saying I wasn't coping enough on my own to have a child and that they'd look after her" he started to have tears streaming from his eyes.

"I loved her so much and she made me, but when she died I couldn't handle it, especially when Myra and Derek took my baby from me. I had a complete breakdown. I have all of her baby stuff still and I sorted myself out after a year and finished up uni to become a teacher like she wanted me to. Then I met you and I could see her in you, thats why I couldn't stay away. You were too much alike. I'm so sorry for not telling you before, I just didn't know how you'd react and I couldn't have you leaving me as well." He said to me still crying.

I hugged him and said "I'm not mad, I'm just confused and I need some things answering." he nodded, so I continued.

"Where you married?" He shook his head saying "no" "where is she now, your little girl?" "With her nan and grandad in the Isle of Wight" "do you see her?" "Yes, I go there for a week around her birthday and Christmas and then for a day or 2 once a month. I'll be going there next weekend on Friday." he said. " do you think about Ivy all the time?" He nodded his head sighing sadly. What I said next had him looking up at me in astonishment "do I get to meet your daughter?" "Yes of course you do! She'll actually be coming to live with me again in a few months time, I don't know exactly when, I was going to tell you about a month before then so you still had some time to adjust to it."

I needed some space to think so that's what I told him I'd do and that is be back later to cook us something to eat.

I got some fresh air for 2 hours before I went back to Scott's place and cooked us some food.

We all ate and we got Lilly bathed and into bed with her usual story before she went to sleep.

I went downstairs and voiced what had been on my mind whilst I was out, "is it because of this Maddison that you won't have sex with me?" he made a frustrated noise and turned to me saying "what is it with you and wanting sex? Can't we just keep our relationship sex free for a while?- "

I interrupted his further rant and shouted back "maybe because I want to feel like you want me and that you want to be intimate with me! I don't want to feel like just another girl! I want to be THE girl! The one that you want to spend the rest of your life with, but now I know that that spots already been taken by someone else! I better just fucking go now shouldn't I! You don't want me as your future you want a bed warmer and that ain't me!"

By this pint I was crying and Scott pulled me into his chest and held me there whilst I tried to get away.

I finally stopped and just accepted his embrace. He whispered to me "you aren't a bed warmer. Not ever and I do want to be intimate with you, but I want us to go slowly and take time. I didn't do that with Maddison and she got pregnant. I want things to go in the right order for us, even if we can't be seen in public together, once you've finished school we can do what we like when we like. I just want to do things slower this time around. I promise though I want you and I will have you, just bide your time okay" I nodded and then decided that we should watch a film and then go to bed. We did just that and watched 'James Bond Skyfall'. When I got upstairs I washed my face and brushed my teeth before getting into bed next to Scott.

I looked at him and said "do you want children with me?" He looked at me and said "Yeh sure one day, but not till your out of school and done either college or sixth form and if you wanted to do university. I want you to have a life first"

I smiled at him and said "yeh well, I want to do school and then just try find a job or get an apprenticeship somewhere. But whatever life throws at me, I'll learn to deal with"

Scott smiled at me, kissed me and we went to sleep. Today was an emotional roller coaster that I didn't know I queued up at get on, but I'd deal with each twist, turn and loop as I got to it. It's gonna be a bumpy ride.

Wow this chapter you've found out what he's been trying to keep of of his mind lately. we'll have to find out together what's going to happen with these 2 because I don't even know to be completely honest. 😄
Anyway this was another long one, 1535 words!

I also got my new bed delivered the other day so now I'm happy I can sleep in comfort!!! 😄
Hope you enjoy it happy reading.

Emma xxx

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