Part 9 - what are we?

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WARNING! This chapter is quite steamy so anyone who doesn't like it I will put these *** at the top and bottom of the steamy bits so as not to read them xxx

ALSO: picture above is her outfit when she comes back home!
Clara's PoV
I woke up feeling really comfortable and warm in bed and that it was Friday the 7th the end of the week and the day before my birthday, before realising that it wasn't my bed and that I was in Scott's bed. Man could I get used to sleeping in this bed with this man!

Yesterday we had the same routine as Wednesday got up showered, started getting a little too touchy feely and then went to school before doing our day and coming home with lilz. We had so much fun yesterday watching films with Lilly before just the two of us had a late night snog and a roll on the bed, but it stopped before it got to taking all of each other's clothes off. Just about...

I'm really confused as to what we are, I mean I love living with him and the way he is with Lilly too, but we kiss and fool about and have the most amazing times together. We make each other laugh and happy and can talk to each other about so much more than we can to other people especially when it comes to my emotions. But with him.... I don't know, I just feel I can't trust him and feel a pull to him like I've never felt before.

On the other hand you've got the fact that he's still my teacher and I'm not even legal to make up my own mind yet since my birthdays tomorrow and I especially can't live with a teacher. But that point just seemed so minor to over weigh what I already felt for him. That fact scared me.

I was still leaning on his chest looking up at him when Scott said "keep staring and you'll have my face engraved in your mind forever" with a smirk on his face with his eyes still shut.

I smiled and let out a small laugh through my nose before kissing his chest once, then again, then again slowly getting further down his body. His breathing started to get ragged, before he quickly flipped me on my back pinning my arms down above my head.

I could feel his leg in between mine making me instantly feel hot and anxious to see what he'd do next. I felt the cotton of my t-shirt on my nipples, meaning they'd hardened due to my hormonal state right now. Scott seemed to notice, as he smirked down at me telling me he was going to do something to tease me, which I automatically whimpered at and he seemed to like the fact that he knew how to work my body just from simple looks.
He held my hands tighter when I decided I wanted to escape from his torturous pleasuring, that id given into yesterday and would have carried on if it weren't for Scott stopping when he did. My breathing really ragged and all out of sync like the rest of my body, I was becoming an undone mess underneath him when he'd done nothing to me.

He smirked down at me and tutted at me before biting on my earlobe and whispering "you can get away from me now, you started it so I'm going to finish it... my way"

He kissed my neck and started to move from under my chin to the side of my neck, where he soon found my weak spot and I moaned. I couldn't keep it in, it felt so good along with the pleasurable sparks that were running through my body from our contact.

He moved both my hands into one of his and pulled up my t-shirt before reaching my nipple and suckling and biting making my back arch and my moans to become louder. Scott quickly covered my mouth and said "its 6:37 in the morning will you please keep it down!" With a smirk on his face knowing that he was teasing me, I decided to get my own back.

His leg was still in between mine and I only had on my thin lacy pair of knickers on, so I moved my hips up ever so slightly so that he would feel how arouse I was actually getting and he hardened so quickly and he groaned.

He looked straight in my eyes and said "don't! I can just about control myself with you right now as it is! I won't be able to stop if you do that again. Stop"

I looked up at him through my lashes and said innocently with a flirty voice "what am I doing sir? I'm not doing anything wrong, am I?"

He groaned and said "do you want me to sort that out for you" whilst putting his free hand over my panties and ever so slightly rubbing one finger where I wanted another part of his anatomy to be, making my back arch and a moan to escape my mouth again even after trying to stop it.

My legs began working on auto pilot and opened as far as they could go for him. I'd never been like this. I'd never open my legs for a guy that id been seeing for 3 months let alone known for 5 days! I started to feel like a slut.

He started to move the material to one side and I felt the connection of his skin on my most private area, before he pushed his finger in making me shudder under him and moan loudly arching my hips into his finger moving slowly. I needed him to stop before I went to far and undressed him and had my way with him.

I regained my mind and said "NO! No, look I'm sorry please get off. I'm not usually like this and I never wanted to be! Now you just think I'm some slut huh? Well maybe your right" I sighed and got off the bed and grabbed my clothes to get dressed.

It was 7:45 and we got in the car and went to school. I was trying to quickly get out of the car when Scott stopped me and kissed me passionately, I immediately fell into the kiss and stayed there for another 10 minutes kissing him.

When we finally pulled apart I looked up at him slightly and said "what are we? I need to know. I'm not just some play thing that can just be picked up and dropped as and when you feel like it, I have feelings and I need to know-" I was cut of my him giving me a quick kiss.

He looked at me a smile on his face. He grabbed my face in his hands and said "I know how your feeling and to be honest, I'm scared shitless. I've never felt like this about anyone before and I don't want to lose you. I think your the person I want to spend the rest of my life with! I know it sounds cheesy and shit but I can't imagine my life without you now and I never want to have to. Okay, we'll work this thing out okay. We'll talk later and sort this whole thing out. see ya later babe" before kissing me and getting out.

Near the end of the day I had a phone call to collect Lilz since she weren't well and made our way back to Scott's place after a 35 minute walk. And got dressed into some more comfortable clothes for a night of doing whatever we all wanted.

I got a text message saying that Scott wasn't going to be in till later because he had some errands to run, so I should just get me and Lilz ready for tonight.

I got into bed feeling lonely and only to feel someone getting into bed 10 minutes later. I got a kiss on the side of my neck and a good night. He must have thought I was asleep and I nearly was. Then I realised, he never answered my questions as to what we were.

Hiya I hope you all like it! I know I'm not updating all that often, but I'm updating every few days in between my coursework, my little Ivy and my own life😄
This update was 1367 words long so I don't think it's a short update either 😜 any who I need to be up for work and it's late so I'm gonna stop rambling now!
Happy reading!
Emma xxx

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