Chapter 16 - Not replacing.

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Clara's PoV
A woman in her early sixties, I'd say, answered the door. She smiled at Scott before turning to me and Lilly, her smile dropping ever so slightly. "who's this Scott?" She asked with a polite voice but it didn't show warmth.

"Hiya Myra this is clara my girlfriend and Lilly" he replied giving her a kiss on the cheek, stepping into the house.

"Oh, so you've got a daughter too then?" She asked me. I burst out laughing and said "what!?" Before I realised I wasn't in the company of friends and straightened up before saying "no she's not my daughter, she's my sister. I'm only 16 that would have made me 9 when I had her and I pretty sure I'd remember going through a nearly unbearable pain in my childhood."

She looked shocked and said "your 16! Scott how can you be with someone so young? She's a child herself, Ill admit that I thought she was older, she looked it but how can you be with someone so young? She's just starting out in life!"

"Because I want to! I can be with whom I chose and you can't stop me. She's my girlfriend whether you like it or not. She's mature and an amazing girlfriend who's understanding and actually listens, as wells as so much more! That's not something you find everyday! You told me that when you find something worth holding onto, you grasp it in both hands and don't let go, that's what I've done." He started off in a shout but quietened down by the end.

What he said warmed my heart, but didn't feel worthy of the compliments. I wasn't understanding when I found out he had a daughter, I went off on one and shouted before knowing the facts, and also went off on one at Abbie for getting with my brother, thinking about it now does seem silly but I still can't shake the feeling of betrayal from them. I'm also not mature. My friends will tell you that.

We walked into the house and through to the living room. There sat a little girl in a pink skirt and a white vest top, tights and pink dolly shoes. She has brown hair that's done up in pig tails either side of her head. She looks lovely and when she turned, she had the biggest eyes. She's gorgeous.

"Ivy, daddy's here." Myra said and followed with "and he brought some friends too" she smiled as she said it, but I couldn't help but feel as though she didn't like me. I'm not surprised though, I feel as though she thinks I'm taking over her daughters family. I'm not, I want to do what's right but also by keeping everyone happy if I can.

"Daaadddddddyyy!!!" Ivy shouted as she ran to her daddy. I smiled, she was adorable, but then again who doesn't think that little children like that are?

"Hello princess. I've missed you so much. What have you been doing?" He asked whilst showing the biggest smile I've ever seen, granted I've only known him a few weeks but I still have never seen the look that he has right now.

"I've been doing my new dancing and my teacher said I'm really good already and that I have loads and loads of rhythm, which will help me a lot in the future. I've also been dressing up in my dresses and I accidentally got out the paints and painted nanny's walls in the hallway" she said slightly smiling. She was a cheeky little girl. She made me realise the innocence of children, also that I myself wasn't too much older than her and maybe I was just as gullible as she was. She also had her daddy wrapped around her little finger.

"Oh no, Ivy you can't do that you've got paper for that. You shouldn't laugh, nanny's house is nice you don't want to ruin it do you princess?"

"No daddy. Sorry nanny, I didn't mean to hurt your house." she said. She was officially adorable.

"Good girl I don't like hearing that you've done things that'll upset nanny and grandad okay. Now id like you to meet two very special people to me, this is Clara and Lilly. Clara's my girlfriend and I hope you can both get along very well, yes? Lilly is Clara's little sister and your very alike I'm sure you'll be good friends." he said with a finality to his voice.

"Hello Clara, are you like another mummy for me?" She asked and I didn't know how to reply, what do you tell a motherless child that your not there for that, it's sounds too cruel. Scott answered for me, "no darling, you know mummy's gone but always watching you. Clara can decide if she wants to look after you like her daughter or not, but that's for her to decide, okay princess?"

"Yeh daddy. Lilly do you want to come and play with me? We can bring my dolls house downstairs and clara, you an play too!" She seemed too excited, I didn't want to kill her mood by saying that I'll play later, so I nodded as she ran off.

Lilly and Ivy started to get tired at 8:45 so we decide to make some hot chocolate and send them to bed. When I came down and stared tidying away Myra came in and said "I'm sorry for being so cold with you, I just don't want him getting hurt again... Well I also don't want to like you because your replacing my daughters spot-" I stopped her

"I'm not replying anyone, I just want an easier life as possible. Ivy will never be able to forget that her mothers watching over her. I'm not replacing anyone and I don't want to"

"Okay, but let me finish,please. I just want you to know that I know your right for him and will be good for Ivy too. I just miss my daughter so much. Be good to him" she tells me before walking off "oh and you can sleep in the same bed as Scott tonight too, I wasn't comfortable with it before, but knowing you, now I'm fine with it" we gave a smile each and went to join the others in the living room for the rest of the evening.

At 10:30 both me and Scott were knackered so decided to retire to bed. We got dressed separately in the different bathrooms and then climbed into bed.

"So how's my daughter then? Do you like her?" I looked over at him and said "yes I love Ivy, she's so cute and so innocent. She's a brilliant girl."

"So you won't mind her coming to live with me then when you stay?"

I glared up at him slightly and said "no I don't mind she's great, might liven up your place a bit more." I said with a smile.

I leaned over and kissed him on his lips for a moment before saying good night and laying on his chest and going to sleep for the night.

To those of you reading this book still, I haven't died. I know it's been quite long and I apologise for that, however I've had so much college work to do I've just about found the time to write this up. I've literally for the last week been doing assignment after assignment. it's killing me, but I've only got 3 more weeks of college left, so then I'll have a load of time to update.

This update is 1228 words so that's okay I think for an 'I'm sorry' chapter. As always feel free to comment and really appreciate the votes! 😊

Happy reading!
Emma xxx

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