Chapeter 2: The Truth

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"Why didnt you say something sooner!" I shrieked, just noticing the hot temperature. Milo laughed shaking his head as I ran crazily around my house looking for a fire extinguisher.

I searched through my cabnets in hopes of finding my old tarnished extinguisher that I bought ages ago. I squeaked in excitement, to find it underneath my bed behind all my shoes.

Sprinting, I rushed towards the fire that circled the cause of it, the helicopter. I pulled down on the handle to let the foam come out but it refused. Cursing in anger, I threw it on the ground. It caused the handle to move and the foam fly into the air making it look like a fountain.

Grinning I grabbed the extinguisher and got closer to the fire. Aiming at it, the foam made the fire hiss in pain and die down. Unfortunatly the fire grew faster than I could kill it. It licked it's way over to my house, burning all the dried up flowers in process.

Not giving up, I continued to try and kill it. Being the stubborn but yet very unlucky person I am, it continued to win and I refused to back down.

"Get some water and some wet towels!" I hollared towards the house hoping that Milo would hear. The fire continued to spred and it was reaching for my legs, causing me to get burned.

"Oh dear." I whispered, wishing I lived closer to the city now... My thoughts of a firetruck were cut off when a tital wave of water flew over my shoulder. Looking behind, I saw that Milo grabbed a hose and started to hold back the flames.

"Thanks." I said as I grabbed some wet towels. I started to stomp out the flames while Milo hosed them down. Luckily, my field wasnt big, so we were able to exterminate the flames around an hour. Wiping the sweat off my brow I headed towards my house as Milo followed close behind.

Once I got in,I grabbed a couple of cups from the sink and filled them with water and handed one to Milo.

He nodded in response and gulped it down as he sat down at the table. I stood there thinking as I sipped mine. "I have seen him some where before, maybe at the local market. Nah, it doesnt seem right." Once I thought of all the places I've been and where I could have seen him, I went to a serious topic.

"Now, you have some explaining to do." I said, sitting down across from him. He raised an eyebrow and cleared his throat,

"Its confidental." he said staring at the cup as if it's the most intresting thing in the world.

"Well you set my property on fire, I need an explanation!" I huffed, not liking his answer.

"Well techinically, the helicopter did." he retorted, holding back a laugh.

"You know what I mean!"I huffed then continued "What where you trying to do with that helicopter? It looked like you dont even know how to drive one."

"Thats because I don't! I borrowed it from a very close friend of mine." he replied not looking at me.

I scowled at him seeing the tell tell sign. When I use to play poker with my dad, I knew he was fibbing when he didnt look at me in the eye or towards my direction.

"Liar! You stole that didn't you!" I accused. I admittedly regretted it because he looked at me in anger.

"And if I did? What are you going to do?" he said standing up, causing him to tower over me. He cracked his knuckles, trying to scare me. But truthfully, it worked.

"Nothing!" I squeaked, trying to get out of my chair without him noticing. "Okay, so the closest phone booth is about a mile away, I can run that far with out him catching up. Right? Oh gosh, this is like the game cat and mouse!" I thought in my head as I slid my foot out quietly and slowly.

He continued to grind his knuckles against his other palm as he looked down at me.

"Better not." he growled still staring me down. I nodded my head and looked at his face closly, trying to remeber him from some where, and a light bulb flashed. I smiled when I remembered where I've seen it before.

"Aren't you that guy that killed some rich man?"I asked hoping he wont reach out right at the moment and take me down. Milo looked to his left in shame, which was my signal to get out of there.

Leaping up I raced towards my front door before Milo looked up. I heard him grunt and throw something at me, but it was too late for him. I was already racing down the dirt path.

"Come back!" I heard Milo shout after me. Ignoring my cat, I continued to do the mouse's job in this game. I ran.

I continued to let my feet go back and forth even though my nerves are getting to me. I heard Milo huff after me. I could feel myself slowing down, admitting to myself that I haven't exercised in a long time.

"Now is the time for a car!" I whispered to myself as I tried to push myself forward. I heard Milo's foot steps get louder while mine got slower. Looking up I saw a gas station a head, it's red gas tanks where dusty, but the stores neon "Open" sign shinned brightly.

This, giving me new hope, helped me go faster. Grinning in sucess as I neared the gas station, it made me forget about the reason why I was running.

"No you ain't!" I heard Milo yell right behind me. I felt a something hit me across my back, making me fall face flat against the dirt road. I tried getting up, but there was a weight on me. "Not so easy isn't it?" Milo asked.

Ignoring him, I yelled out. "Help!" I looked at the gas station, for the possibilty someone will walk out. Nearly, jumping for joy I saw a old man walk out and looked at us. I smiled as I heard Milo curse under his breath.

"What are you doing to her?" the old man asked in a raspy voice.

"Sitting." Milo replied bluntly, grinning as the man roll his eyes.

"I can see that, but it looks like you're hurting her." the man said bending down and looking at me in the eyes.

I tried to say something but Milo grabbed my mouth with one, sweaty hand and pulled me up with the other.

"She's fine! See?" Milo said chuckling then continued "It's a game we play, if we loose a bet, the other one sits on us."

The old man stared at him, confused but nodded. I rolled my eyes, not believing that the old man is believing him. I bit Milo's hand for a desprate attempt, but he didnt move it or flinch.

"Okay, I see. Well I have to get back to my store." the man said smiling at me and tipping his hat. I tried to yell out again but Milo hit me along side my head, cutting me short.

"Dont even think about it." he growled, then continued to throw me over his shoulder like a sac of potatoes. "If you kick me, you will get a long painful death, if you dont.... well, I'll see what I can do." he grinned as he walked back towards my house.

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