Chapter 43

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Things moved slowly around me as I stared down the hallway and watched people walk around and inspect things. After Zayn had shot Liam he rose his gun in the air and shot off three rounds. "Listen up!" He yelled out in the loudest voice he could muster. "You all know me or have heard of me!" He turned around, projecting his voice down the opposite way of the hallway. Scared faces peaked out from rooms and the people who were running before had stopped. "Pack up your things and leave. You're free."

A collective gasp was heard and sounded throughout the building. "The authorities are on their way and I suggest you all leave before you are questioned." Zayn threw his gun to the side and then looked over at me.

I was in shock. He killed Liam. Liam was dead. They were all free. And it was all thanks to Zayn. He made sure everyone was free. In the past he owned theses people because of his father. But he was the savior of these people. "I said leave!" He boomed again, this time causing a frantic around us with people grabbing things and running off.

My gaze traveled past Zayn, to Louis and Harry kneeling by Ashton. Or should I say; Ashton's body. Harry has his hand placed on Loui's back and Louis was trembling as if he were crying. "A-Ashton." I stepped towards them.

"Niall, don't." Zayn stood in front of me. "He's gone, please don't go over there."

"But he was my friend." I stumbled forward due to my lack of energy at the moment and Zayn caught me. "He had someone waiting for him at home, Zayn. He was in love."

"I will make sure he is brought home then. I will make all of the arrangements." Zayn's arms held me close and I would have reveled in his touch, but there were more serious things going on around us.

"To hell with you, Malik." Louis spoke up. We both looked over at him as he glared at Zayn with tears falling down his cheeks. I had never seen this side of Louis before, but he and Ashton did have a past together and that was something I wasn't fully aware was that significant until that moment.

"Louis, I couldn't have known that-"

"You brought him into this. Ashton got away once with my help. I almost died because of it and you just pulled your little puppet strings and got him back to the front line." Louis stood up and wiped a blood stained hand on his jacket, leaving a streak of red in place. "And you're just going to ruin that kids life too." Louis jabbed a finger at me and I couldn't help but let out a small laugh. Everyone looked at me.

"What? I just think it's funny since you were the one who got me into all of this." I argued with Louis. His lips formed a straight thin line as he realized the truth behind my words. "Can we just please get everyone home?"

Harry nodded. "I agree. What is done is done. We can't change anything now and we can mourn later. The police are on there way here and I really don't want to explain all of this to my wife along with the fact that her brother is now dead." Harry rubbed his face and then sighed loudly.

"You're free to go as you please." Zayn nodded towards Harry. "I've made sure that you and Ruth will be comfortable for years to come."

"And what about Niall?" Harry nodded towards me. "What's going to happen now?"

"What do you mean?" I asked Harry in a panic. Nothing was keeping Zayn and I apart. Not anymore. "I want to be with him."

"I know. I just don't think-"

"I understand your concerns." Zayn spoke up. "But I have wanted nothing but the best for Niall. I love him. I will never let anything or anyone hurt him ever again." Zayn's voice was defensive.

"After all that has happened though..." Harry looked over at me and I bet I looked like a mess. "Niall..."

"I won't leave him."

"If you were smart, kid, you would." Louis gave out a short laugh.

"I will not leave him." I argued. "I don't want to be with anyone other than... you, Zayn." I looked up at him and a small smile appeared on his lips. "I think I understand it now." I told him. "What that feeling is. How it feels to be in love. Things are so f.ucked up now, but there is just this feeling I keep experiencing over and over every time I see you and I think I now understand what it means to be in love and to love someone. Because I love you, Zayn. I really do."

Zayn didn't say anything, and thank god neither did Louis. Zayn just watched me carefully and I think that after a while of me not taking back my words they finally set in. "I love you, too. God. So much."

I was in his arms and our lips were connected the next moment and time picked back up. We all got out of there and I saw John out of the corner of my eye along with several other people that Zayn nodded at. I was given a coat and a bottle of water. Everything was coming to a close. Ashton was unfortunately no longer with us, but Liam was gone and I had to believe that Ashton died a hero.

Zayn's hand was at the small of my back as he lead me out of the building. People were still around outside, but as soon as they saw Zayn they walked off. Harry disappeared after patting me on the shoulder. I knew that I would be seeing him again sometime soon. I had to meet that baby who was basically a younger sibling to me since Harry and Ruth were oddly like parents to me.

Zayn led to me a car that was waiting for us outside of the building. I looked over my shoaled one last time to see the place I was kept prisoner. The building loomed above us with a dark exterior in the night. It was time to leave it all behind.

"This is the last of you I'll be seeing, eh?" Zayn and I stopped when Louis called out to us. "I would say it was nice knowing you, but-" Louis ran up to us and held out his hand to Zayn. Zayn took it and they shook. "I just- I just want to make sure that none of that was bull back there. He will be taken care of, right? Ashton will be brought home to his girl?"

Zayn nodded. "Absolutely."

Louis nodded. "Okay, good that. Yeah." They're hand left each others and Louis stared at the ground. "Don't call me up or anything. I won't answer." He scratched the side of his head. "I mean, you put me out of a job, but definitely one I didn't want. So thanks, but still, don't bring me back into all of this."

I listened to all of this unfold and I thought for a moment that Louis couldn't get away with what he had done. But second thoughts led me to think that it was all because of Liam and since Liam was gone then things would get better and I would never have to deal with Louis again. He didn't want to be a part of this life as much as I didn't want to be. It was a mutual understanding.

"Thank you for your help then." Zayn gave Louis one last reassuring nod and then turned back to me. "Now, let's go home." Zayn's hand found its way back to me and helped me into the car.

The inside of the car was warm and comfortable and to my surprise the driver was a very friendly face. Charles.

"Niall, my dear boy. I am glad to see you again." He spoke to me with such tenderness in his voice. Charles looked a little worse for wear, but overall he was his usual self, poised and old fashion.

"You too Charles." I gave him a weak smile. The warmth in the car was making me tired and after all I had been through, sleep sounded wonderful. With Zayn at my side, finally, and a sense of safety I couldn't keep my eyes from shutting. I let sleep come to me as soon as Zayn's lips touched my temple and whispered for me to let it happen. 

A/N: Short again, but I'm running out of steam. A few more chapters to go. I want to say seven more, but maybe less. I haven't decided. Stay tuned! 

Much Love


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