Chapter 42

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"Harry?" Of all people, I did not expect Harry to be there with Louis. He looked like he hadn't slept in days and his hair was pulled back into a messy bun. I couldn't think of anything else to say to him other than the words that flew out of my mouth. "How's the baby?"

Forget about me.

Forget about this situation.

Forget it all.

Harry visibly relaxed and a small smiled appeared on his lips. "She's good. She's really good." Harry walked into the room and grimaced when he saw the both of us. "They don't know we're here. We've got to get you guys out of here."

"Yeah, hurry up." Louis said anxiously by the door. He was peaking in and out of the doorway, holding his gun tightly at his side. "Where he hell is Zayn? He was right behind us."

Harry was helping me up when I heard Zayn's name. "He's here?" I leaned on Harry. "Why aren't you guys with him? Isn't he injured?" I just wanted to see him, to make sure he was okay. "What about his shoulder?"

"I don't know, Niall. Why don't you calm down for a second. Don't get your panties in a knot." Louis barked at me.

"Hey." Harry said sternly. "You know what Zayn said." I looked at Harry and he had a gun in the back of his pants for easy access. He twitched his hand, as if threatening Louis.

"I know. I know. Yeesh. Zayn will have my head if anything more happens to these guys." Louis looked down the hallway again. "But seriously. We need to hurry it up in here."

"Alright. Niall, are you okay to walk." Harry asked, looking down at my leg that I was easing up on. The baggy pants that Louis had given me covered up my wounds. I shook my head sadly and he hooked his arm quickly around my waist. "This okay." Harry asked, treading carefully.

"I'm fine. We need to find Zayn." That's all I cared about. "Ashton?" I turned back to Ashton who was standing near the back of the room. He was staring straight ahead at Louis.

"You weren't kidding." Ashton said, still staring at Louis. "He is alive."

Louis stepped away from the doorway for a second. "You've got to be kidding me." He caught sight of Ashton and shook his head. "Thats the guy Zayn said was a good shot?" He exclaimed. Harry nodded. "For christ's sake."

Okay. They definitely had somewhat of a past together.

"Talk later?" Harry spoke up, looking between the two. Louis nodded, but Ashton still seemed to be stuck in whatever daze he was in. "Like you said, we need to get going. We're lucky enough that they don't know we are here-"

Well at least they didn't know about it until that moment. Gun shots rang out down the hallway and then there was shouting. It was like the last time all over again. Harry grabbed me and we started running. Louis was right behind us and Ashton was behind him, staggering as he ran, but running none the less.

"Turn up at this corner." Louis yelled from behind us. Harry did so, dragging me along with him. My leg was burning and probably bleeding out. Who knew? Who even cared? We just needed to get out of here. We rounded the corner and unfortunately, more guys were running at us from that end. That was when we stopped and Ashton ran past us, shoving us to the side. He raised his hand all for me to realize he was holding a gun. He shot at the men coming at us and they fell to the ground, groaning and clutching themselves.

"Well, lets keep going." Louis ordered, grabbing my arm and pulling me along. I split away from Harry and was now in Loui's protection. Which was weird after all we had been through and how much I didn't trust him before, but this was the here and now.

"And down that hall." Louis shouted back to the rest of the group that was tagging behind us. Ashton was shooting down the hall at the people trying to chase us. Everything was thrown into chaos and guards as well as some of Liam's people were running all over the place. Some were taking cover and some were running at us, or even away from us.

Whatever was going on wasn't normal. There had to have been something more to all of this. And I think it included Zayn. "We can't keep running away. We have to find Zayn." I breathed out, trying to push away from Louis. "What if Liam has him?"

"Well, he probably does. But Zayn doesn't give a damn about his own life. All he cares about is you." That was what everyone kept telling me. That he didn't care what happened as long as I was safe. I should have felt blessed to have that sort of angel watching over me at all times, but I was hurting because that meant that in the end, he didn't care if he died and left me all alone. Which would hurt me the most.

And I think that's what love was supposed to feel like. That burning feeling in your heart that occurs when you think of life without the person you want around the most.

"No, we need to find him." I shoved Louis away and he let go of me, allowing me to stumble back. I winced as pain shot up from my leg. I figured I would have this damn thing cut off by the end of all of this and that was that. I took in a breath to calm myself. "I am not leaving here alive without him."

"That can be arranged." Louis sneered. He glowered at me, approaching me. "Listen kid. I was given a second chance and I'll be damned if I let you ruin all of this." He grabbed my arm again, this time rougher than before and a shot rang through the air. We both looked up and watched as Ashton fell to the floor. My mouth was agape and Louis' eyes were wide in shock.

"Irwin!" Harry ran towards Ashton and knelt down next to him. His hand reached for his neck and then he slouched. Harry looked back at us shook his head. I had no time for tears, no time for mourning. I looked down the hall where the shot came from and saw Liam, covered in blood splatter and messy from what looked like a rough fight, heading right for us.

A young girl ran past him and he didn't hesitate to lift his gun and pull the trigger, sending her brains all over the wall. "Oh, Niall~" Liam chimed down the hallway. "You can't run from me. How many.... F.UCKING TIMES DO I HAVE TO TELL YOU?!" He shot at the ceiling as he walked towards us. Louis was already grabbing me and telling me to run. Harry was already on his feet, running at us.

Liam had lost it.

He finally lost it.

And we weren't getting out of here alive.

"Why don't you put that down, Liam?"

I was like an angel appeared before us when I heard his voice and saw him walk out from a branching off hallway. Zayn stood with his back to us and with a gun at his side. He also looked as though he had been in a fight. "You'd think that our little spat back there would have cooled you off. How's the leg?" He asked Liam in a mocking tone. "Only serves as pay back for what you did to him."

I looked at Liam and realized that he was wounded. In the leg. Right around the same spot I was. Zayn was getting his revenge. "Zayn! He's got a gun!" I yelled out to Zayn because if Liam hadn't eve flinched when he killed that girl, he wouldn't even think twice about killing Zayn.

"Don't worry, Niall. Liam was a little ambitious with those last shots into the ceiling. A waste I would say." Zayn's tone was nonchalant. He wasn't worried. He was confident in whatever plan he had.

"SHUT UP YOU F.UCKING PIECE OF TRASH." Liam raised his gun and I squeezed my eyes shut, not wanting to see Zayn die before my eyes. I waited for the gun shot, but the hall remained as still as it was before. Only the sound of the gun clicking filled my eyes. It was a sound of relief to me. I opened my eyes back up to see Liam trying to shoot his gun, but he couldn't. The bullets were all gone. Panic filled his eyes as he searched through his pockets, but he was too late. In one swift moment, Zayn aimed and shot, sending Liam flying back and his blood and brains mixed with his previous victims'.

And like that, it was done and Liam was....

Liam was dead.

A/N: Im back and I am a better person after this break away. OH and don't worry. This story isn't over. 8 more chapters! And Happy Birthday to one of my readers. You said you wanted an update for a birthday present. Well here you go!

Much Love


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