Chapter 6

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I could handle bruises on my body. It was the ones on my face that I couldn't stand. I stood shakily in front of the mirror at Liam's empty house and looked at the bruises all over my body. I could hide those with clothes, though I would have to rest for a few days and not take any clients. It was the bruises on my face that I was most worried about. I had a shiner starting below my left eye. I couldn't blame Liam, he got a little too rough.

I leaned forward and yelped in pain when my back stretch too far. I tear slipped from my eye. I pushed through the pain and stretched to see the largest welt on my back and the bruises near the small of my back. I had already taken a shower and cleaned myself up. Blood mixed with the water down the drain from Liam forcing too much with not enough preparation. I winced when I turned back to look at myself in the mirror straight on.

Bruises would heal in a couple days, hopefully, but I had another problem at hand. Well, I should say wrist. When Liam grabbed my by my wrist and yanked me away he yanked a little too hard and my wrist was swollen. It wasn't broken since I could still move my fingers, but it was very sore.

I frowned and grabbed my clothes from the bathroom floor and carefully pulled them on. I checked the time. Liam had left me a little earlier than what was planned, but I could say I was glad about that. I had to meet Zayn at six and it was four thirty, which meant I could relax for a little bit until I had to go meet him on the corner of main and sixth. I laughed to myself about the corner meet up since that's what most people thought prostitutes roamed. People had no idea about the intricate the whole thing was. Sure, there were some prostitutes that go and do there own thing. But then there are people like Louis who find people like me who are in a tough spot and would do anything to make a quick buck.

Like always, there was a small bag of whatever drug Liam left me on the counter. I ignored it and left it there. I was still shaking off the feeling of the ecstasy Liam gave me. I guess taking that pill helped me through the process with Liam, but I was not liking the after effects. I limped out of the house after grabbing my money and placing it into my inside coat pocket. I had to call Louis and tell him how much I made. He got a percentage of what I made and I had accumulated quite a bit that I owed him.

I sent him a quick text about picking me up. He responded with what I owed him and that the car was on it's way. I waited in the front yard for about fifteen minutes until Al pulled up in the car and took me home. I knew he had questions for me since I was sporting a fresh bruise on my face and I looked pained when I sat down in the back seat. Though, Al never really said much to me. He minded his own business and I was thankful for that.

When he dropped me off I could see Louis standing in the parking lot talking to someone. I looked a little harder and saw that he was talking to Harry's wife, Ruth. I felt this burning in my chest and I got a little protective over her because she was such a nice woman and Louis wasn't the best person to be around. I didn't think he would hurt her or anything. I just didn't see the good in a very pregnant woman and a pimp talking with each other.

"Hi, Louis." I walked up to him and clapped him on the shoulder with my good hand. The other wrist was pretty swollen still. I kept it hidden. Them seeing my black eye was already bad enough. Louis turned to look at me and his eyes widened. "Yeah, I fell." I shrugged, laughing. "Hit my face right on a step. Man, did that hurt." Louis knew what was going on, but Ruth was innocent in this.

"Oh, sweetie. That's looks terrible. Are you okay?" Ruth asked, reaching out to me over her very large belly.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I'm just a klutz, I swear." I smiled and it hurt to even do that. My jaw hurt from giving Liam a blow job. He made sure that all of him fit into my mouth and throat. "Don't worry about me, Rutg." I grinned wider. "I'll be fine. Right, Louis?" I looked at him and he nodded, obviously not pleased with my appearance. We said our goodbyes to Louis and he followed me up to my apartment. Once inside, Louis sat on my small two seater couch and looked at my expectantly.

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