Chapter 25

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"Alright, get out of the car." Louis ordered as he got out on his side. The two guards got out as well. George, the one who had had his way with me, looked back at me with a smirk. I didn't want to leave the car because I didn't know where I was. It had grown dark outside after we had driven past the city and into the country side. It reminded me of where I lived when I was younger and that scared me, even though home was hundreds of miles away.

After a tap on the glass from Louis, I did as I was told and got out of the car, not without some trouble from my aching body. "W-Where are we?" I asked Louis, which was stupid because why would he even tell me?

"Tsk." Louis scoffed. He grabbed my arm and pulled me along. I limped next to him closely because he was really the only protection I had from the others and that was saying something since he threw me to them in the beginning. We walked for a while through the dark and eventually we came to a small building with one light lighting up a back door. "You know where to put him." Louis pushed me over to his guards and they grabbed a hold of me.

"N-No! Please, just let me go. I won't run away, Louis. Please. I'll do anything." I screamed, but the one, Nick I think his name was, cupped his large hand over my mouth. I heard Louis laugh behind me as the two pulled me into the small building and we walked through the dark once more.

It smelled musty in the building and the lighting was poor. We passed a few rooms and then finally we came to a door. The man opened the door and I was pushed inside. I realized that it was a bathroom right away, equipped with a shower and everything. "Mr. Tomlinson wants you to clean up. You've got an hour."

When the door shut I walked weakly over to the sink and mirror. I washed my face first and hissed when I touched the back of my head where I had hit the window in the car. I then looked over at the shower. It was one of those two in one bathtub showers and I had an hour. I turned the water on as hot as it could go and filled the tub. There was a bar of soap and a rag on the small shelf in the bathroom. I slipped into the tub and scrubbed my skin raw.

It was different this time. It was like I had just admitted that this was my life and this was what I was made for. The lowest of the low and the dirtiest of them all. I slipped under the water and just stared at the surface. What if I didn't come back up and let myself drown. Would the afterlife be any different than this? Would I still be beaten and bruised for the rest of eternity. Would I ever be loved? I doubted it. The gates to heaven wouldn't open for me. I was going straight to hell for all the things I have done in my short life.

I broke the surface with a gasp and scrubbed my body again. The bruises were forming on my sides. I thought I was in the clear after healing at Zayn's home, but no. This aching feeling was for life, in body, heart and mind. There was no escape from it.

The water ran cold after a while, but I didn't want to get out. A knock came to the door and a younger guy, maybe around my age came into the bathroom. He looked as numb as I felt. "I brought you your clothes." He said almost robotically. I knew I had seen him somewhere before and then realized he was another one of Louis' workers.

"Thanks." I said shortly, getting out of the tub and drying off with a towel. The boy looked at me and his eyes widened slightly at my cuts and bruises. "Just do as your told." I said to him. He nodded and left the bathroom. I heard the door lock behind him.

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