Chapter 32

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Something was keeping me awake that night. I kept hearing footsteps in the house, wandering around and going up and down the hallways. I was on edge while Zayn slept beside me. He lightly whimpered in his sleep and was as hot as a heater. I touched my colder hand to his forehead and he visibly calmed down. When he went back to sleeping soundly, I removed my hand and sat up in bed.

I looked under the door where the light was still on outside in the hallway. Footsteps cross the light, sending shadows into the room on the floor. I couldn't place who is was out in the hallway, but after a few more minutes, I narrowed it down to either John or Ashton. Well, he wanted me to call him Irwin.

I got up from bed and the floor boards creaked under my feet. The footsteps outside stopped and remained right outside the bedroom door. Zayn moved a little, but went back to sleep. I wanted to go get him a cold rag to put on his forehead, but that meant I had to leave the room. I wasn't too worried about meeting up with John since I knew a little bit about him. I just didn't want to encounter Ashton and all of his mysteriousness.

When Zayn whimpered again in his sleep I mustered all the courage I could get and walked over to the door, twisting the handle. The door jerked open from the outside and unfortunately Ashton was standing there with a tired look on his face.

"What do you need kid?" He asked, lowering his hand which had a pretty big gun in it.

"Uh- I-" I gulped. He noticed that I was a little fearful of his gun and placed it behind him. "Sorry, I need a cold rag for Zayn. He's burning up." I tried to move past him, but he held his hand out, locking me in the doorway.

"I'll get it. Go back inside and wait." He looked out the window down the hall and then looked back at me. "I'll be right back." He walked off, bringing his gun out again. My eyes followed him down the hall and down the stairs. I then saw John walk upstairs, a gun in his hand as well.

"John, what's going on?" I asked. To have them walking around at night with their guns out was a lot different than what had been going on the week before. Harry, Ruth and I weren't bothered at all and never needed the extra protection.

"Nothing. Just taking precautions. Go back inside." John told me to do the same thing as Ashton did. Something had to be going on for them to be so cautious while walking around the house.

"Not until you tell me what's going on." I said sternly.

John grinned. "You never back down, kid. I like that." He rubbed his face quickly before continuing. "There's a car that keeps driving by." My heart stopped and I think John saw the panic on my face. "Don't worry. That's why Irwin and I are here." John gave me a reassuring smile. I smiled back, but it faded quickly when Ashton came up the stares with a rag, a glass of water and a pill bottle.

"I don't care if you have to hold him down for him to take them. Just do it." He handed me the items he brought up and practically pushed me back into the room. The door closed behind me and I walked through the dark room back to Zayn. When I placed the cold rag on his forehead his eyes fluttered open and he searched through the darkness for my face.

"Hey." I smiled down at him. "Do you think you can sit up?" I asked. He didn't say anything, but he moved a little, trying to sit up. I helped him mostly and stuffed a few pillows behind his back. "Ashton said you have to take these."

Zayn grimaced. "Of course he did." Zayn grabbed the pills in my hand which I figured were his pain killers. "If I don't take them he won't leave me alone about it." Zayn talked as if the same things had happened before.

"How long have you known him?" I asked nervously. I watched as Zayn gulped down the pills and then took in a deep breath. "Ashton, I mean."

"A couple years now, why?" Zayn looked up at me and the drugs were quick working. He looked tired and all I wanted was for him to rest.

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