Chapter 30

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"I need to sit down." Zayn said in a pained voice. I panicked and pulled out the kitchen chair and helped him sit down. He held his side with his good arm and groaned. I kneeled at his side and looked up at him. His face was scrunched and he looked like he was holding his breath. He hunched forward and placed his forehead to the kitchen table.

"Zayn, do you need anything? What can I do to help you?" I asked in a panic. Zayn just rolled his head back and forth on the table in a 'no' gesture. I looked up at the others, Ruth was also shocked at Zayn's state, while Harry and John were off talking to each other. "How hurt is he?" I asked. Zayn was obviously more hurt than what I could see.

John cleared his throat and looked over at me. "Two shots. One to the shoulder and one to his side. He's all stitched up, but refuses the pain medication. I say let him be stupid. He likes the pain or something."

"I don't." Zayn growled back at John. "I just don't like the way they make me feel." Zayn groaned once more and clutched his side. "Dammit." Zayn was physically shaking and it worried me. I didn't know why he would take the pain medication, but it was his choice and I wasn't going to ask.

"Let's at least get you to the bedroom so that you can lie down." I held Zayn's good shoulder in my hand. "Please, Zayn." I begged him. He looked up at me and smirked. I stood back and placed my hands on my hips. "What's that look for?" I asked.

"You're just so worried about me." He lightly chuckled and then started to cough. I bet coughing hurt his side. It hurt me just to look at him like that.

"Well, yeah I'm worried!" I shouted at him and then smacked my hand over my mouth. "Sorry." I apologized for my tone. There was still this thin line between Zayn and I that made me rethink my actions around him. We were close, but not like long time friends. "I didn't mean to yell."

"Please don't apologize." Zayn frowned. "Remember when I told you that you look so much better when you smile?" He reached forwards with his good hand and pinched my chin between his finger and thumb. I blushed, smiling up at him. "There we go. And lying down sounds perfect right now." Zayn pushed himself up from his seat and I bolted up to stand next to him and help him up. "John?" Zayn peered over his shoulder at John who stood there waiting for some instruction. "My bags?"

"I've got them." John walked over to the door where a few bags sat on the floor. He picked up them and then headed towards the stairs. "Do you need help with him, Niall?"

I was about to answer John when Zayn answered for me. "I don't think Niall will need any assistance. You've got me, right?" He looked down at me as I snuck under his good arm and lifted him up slightly with the strength in my shoulders.

"I've got you." And I meant that with all of my heart.

We made it up the stairs and I only broke out in a small sweat. Zayn wiped my forehead with his sleeve and leaned back against the pillows I had gathered behind him on the bed. John had left the bags and us to ourselves in the bedroom. I sat by Zayn's side and watched at he closed his eyes for a moment.

"I thought you ran away when I first realized you were missing." Zayn told me like he did before. His eyes were still closed and his forehead was wrinkled as if he was concentrated hard. "But when John told me that you had left with Naomi... I knew something was wrong."

"We don't need to talk about it. You need to rest." I told Zayn, but he wasn't having any of it.

"No, I should have known she was working for Liam. I just-" I hugged Zayn with my lips against him. "Niall?"

"It doesn't matter right now. You need to focus on getting better." I told him. He shook his head, but I kissed him again. "Yes." When I went to pull away, Zayn cupped the back of my neck and pulled me down again. I hovered above him while we kissed. I didn't want to have any of my body weight on his wounds. I pulled away again and Zayn's breath tickled my chin.

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