"How did we ever get so lucky," I said sarcastically, rolling my eyes.

"How is my ship though? Have y'all talk about you know what?" I Dinah asked.

"I have no idea," I sighed.

"So you're okay?" The younger girl asked with hope.

"I wanted to have a discussion with her," I started, "but she only had a limited amount of time before she had to sign off."

"Lauren," the blonde hair girl groaned.

"I think it will go better if I tell her in person."

"My couch is opened tonight if you need it."

"Thanks," I sighed before leading us outside.

With the help of Dinah, I loaded the girls into our expedition and started our drive to the airport. Ashtyn and Dinah spent the entire car ride arguing about which Disney princess is better. The argument consisted of Dinah doing majority of the talking while Ashtyn either said "no" or would speak with baby talk. As for Kayne, the quiet one-year-old was content with looking out the window. It's the simple things that can keep her amazed for hours.

"Are you coming?" I asked after I pulled into a parking spot.

"You know I don't do awkward situations, Lauser," the Polynesian stated.

"I'll be back," I replied before getting Kayne and I out of the car.

Lauren, did you read the article about Camila and Austin?

How are you feeling?

Is Fifth Harmony ever getting back together?

Oh my god, I love you!

Kay is so cute!

I pushed through the crowd of people as I entered the airport. Once I entered, airport security led me to where I could find my wife. I've never been a fan of having some sweaty, middle-age men escort me to my destination.

"Ma! Ma! Ma!" Kayne yelled as she clapped her hands together.

Camila walked out of the gate, following closely behind security. The airport roared tremendously and flashes of light surrounded us.

"C'mere Princess," Camila smiled widely as she reached out for her mini-me.

Kayne cupped her hands over her ears as I passed her over to Camila. The brown-eyed baby stayed as stiff as board as she saw more people flood into the entrance.

"Can you grab my sweatshirt out of my bag? It should be in my big pocket."

I nodded before following her instructions. I pulled out my Lana Del Rey sweatshirt that Camila bought me for my birthday a few years ago. She promised me she wouldn't this sweatshirt, but once the temperatures started to drop, it quickly became hers.

I handed the sweatshirt to Camila who wrapped the jacket around Kayne. I picked up her bag before following after Camila and Kayne.

Security pushed every fan and paparazzi back so we could have some room to walk. I threw Camila's bag into the trunk before quickly getting into the driver's side.

"Ma!" Ashtyn squealed as Camila finished buckling Kayne and herself.

"Hi baby," Camila smiled as she caressed our oldest daughter's cheek.

I carefully pulled the car out of the parking lot as Dinah and Camila were heavily invested in their conversation about the last three weeks.

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