Chapter Six

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Four days passed. The doctors decided I could be released, but would have to see a physical therapist three times a week, and have a doctor's appointment every week until my headaches and vision loss disappeared. They said my fall had affected the vision portion of the brain. Said I could go blind at any point, but with the proper surgeries they had in plan for me, I wouldn't. Most people who damaged the "occipital lobe" went blind. I'd only had a minor injury, but my vision had indeed weakened.

Till then, they said to avoid bright sunlight or straining my eyes.
"If you strain your eyes too much, you will indeed go blind before we can operate on your eyes. You're lucky you haven't already." The doctor said quietly.
I looked down, remaining silent.
"But you can fix it, can't you?" Raph asked. He'd been the one staying with me that day. His eyes were concerned, I knew how afraid he was that I'd lose my vision.
"We'll do everything we can. He did receive a bad blow to the occipital lobe after all. We cannot improve his vision, but however we can improve the epilepsy he's formed with the injury." He responded.
"Epilepsy. What's that?" Raph looked confused.
"The reason your brother keeps waking up with headaches, and sore limbs. He's having seizures in his sleep, and it's due to the damage done in the brain. We will medicate him for those, and his energy should improve."
"So he's gonna have these seizures, he's gonna need physical therapy for however long it takes on his leg, he's going to have all sorts of vision issues, and we're just supposed to be okay with this? This is terrible!!!"
The doctor frowned. "Like I said, we're doing everything we can. Until then, you just need to be there to support your brother. That's all I can say at this time." He handed me my discharge papers. "Try to get some rest. No work."
I nodded slowly, trying to read the paper. But it looked blurry.
"You won't be able to see clearly without some strong glasses for now. See that your receptionist makes an appointment with your optometrist."
I frowned. "Or if everyone could just leave me alone." I rolled the wheelchair out of the room, Raph following quietly.
"I don't get all this, Raph. It's like a terrible nightmare I can't wake up from, and it's only gonna get worse from here. I hate this."
"You're going to get better. You just need patience."
"I've got a city to run! I don't have time for any of this!!" I exploded, going out the front door.
"You don't have a choice at this point, Leonardo. You're going to do what I say until you're better."
"I don't even like you, why would I listen?" I crossed my arms.
"Because if I walk away right now you are literally helpless. You're acting like a child."
"Am not!" I pouted, shivering in the bitter December cold.
"Raphael!" I heard Donnie's voice as he walked over to us from the parking lot. "You can't just send him outside without a jacket or anything." He knelt down in front of the wheel chair and wrapped a blanket around my shoulders. "Poor thing. He just doesn't know how to take care of you." I looked at him, studying his every detail just in case I was to lose my vision.
"What are you staring for.." He blushed slightly and pushed the wheelchair down the side walk. "Never mind that. Let's get you home."
I glanced back at Raph, who merely shrugged before getting into his car and disappearing.
"You didn't have to do this.." I said slowly. "I know you have a job and everything.."

"With the wedding tomorrow, I was up here anyway. Don't worry about it." He helped me into his car, and drove off. "I hope their marriage lasts. Mikey's never been this committed to anyone."
"And Raph's never been this happy. Seems like both of their lives have changed for the better."
He nodded. "I just wish at least my mom could be  there tomorrow for him. This is something the parents are really a part of.. and I know we're all adults it's just.. I mean if it were my wedding I'd want my parents there.." He slowly trailed off, looking at the steering wheel.
"I understand how you feel." Was all I managed to say. And I did. As a kid I'd always imagined my parents at my wedding, even after my mother left, I pictured them on one side of the church, front row, watching me, my father with a hand on my shoulder saying how proud he was of me.
I had dreams back then, visions of a beautiful future. I'd have a family, kids, we wouldn't live in the ugly city, but a beautiful house in the country. I'd have an enjoyable job, my children and spouse would be happy and healthy, and we'd all stay together for a very long time.

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