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Price Of Love


You know that feeling? That feeling that comes when you finally make sense of something? Like maybe figuring out a riddle or a puzzle. Well, that feeling is exactly how I am feeling now.

I couldn't stop the tears from falling, and no matter how many tissues my mom gave me, it was never enough.

"That was the last tissue in this box, I will request for more." Mom says, leaving the room. Addison and Allysa were seated quietly on the chairs beside me. Evan wasn't allowed in the room. And though I have considered keeping Addison out too, why would I hurt the innocent? That would make me just like Evan.

"I am moving." I declared, right after I blew on my last tissue. I snuffled a bit before looking at Addison and Allysa straight in the eyes.

Addison spoke first, "I don't blame you."

"Nor do I." Shrugs Allysa, being insensitive to the situation as always.

"I can't believe him, we had just gotten back together too," I complain, tossing my tissue in the overfilled trash can beside me.

Addison responds, "You can't just do that Ella. You can't just leave your problems behind. My brother might have been an idiot at times, a jerk, and very secretive; but he is not a murderer. There is a reason, and you must get down to it."

"I am scared of finding out the truth." I sobbed, feeling slightly better for letting my feelings out. Addison's eyes soften and she comes to my side to comfort me.

"Remember the trip to Paris? How you two had a beautiful night, and then you two broke up in the morning before we left to the airport?" Addison brings up those memories.

"Yeah, that was completely messed up." Allysa comments. "You actually seemed like you were finally falling for him, but then he screwed it up."

"You are not helping, I love you, but...just...no," Addison tells Allysa before rubbing my back. "Anyways, he was miserable. He loved you so much Ella, and it's rare for that type of love. He knew that he messed up, and he swore he wouldn't again. Isn't that what counts? Putting effort."

"Yeah? And look where that got us??!" I snap, laying back down on the hospital bed.

"I am so-" I cut her off, "Go."

"Ugh, not this again." Sighs Allysa before grabbing Addison's red colored bag and walking out with Addison.

I watched the door close behind them, frustrated at their ignorance. Why couldn't they understand the betrayal I felt? Was it that hard? Not to mention the aching feeling that had returned in my chest.

I just wish I could change the past.


It had been officially 3 years since I've moved, and I have yet to have another relapse of the past. My hair is longer, to my shoulders that is, I want to keep it that way, though. I'd hate to be reminded of the past. It's the summer before I start college, and, I am not even close to being prepared.

I hear my ringer going off from my phone. Right away, I knew it was my mom. She's the only one that calls at 8 in the morning. Addison calls more around dinner than any other time. I pick up the phone and say, "yeah?"

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