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Price Of Love


I clutched my pillow, crying silently. It had happened, again. But this time, I remembered the flashback.

'No, no, no, no,' I sobbed, pressing my hands to his wound. I was waiting for the ambulances to arrive as I tried to keep his blood from washing away in the rain. His body was so cold, and I could see the color drifting away from his blue eyes.

'Stay way with me.' I sobbed some more, barely feeling my hot tears on my numb face. 'I love you. I love you so much. Don't leave me, Brad.'

'Ella.' Brad coughed, his breathing ragged. I could suddenly hear the sirens of the ambulances. 'Ella'.

'Yes, babe?' I asked, pressing my one hand to his cheek. His hand reached up to touch my hand. I stared at our hands together, how it had fitted perfectly.

'I love you, and-and I am sorry that-that I couldn't get your-your necklace back." He responds, blood gushing out of his mouth.

'It's alright." I assure him, hoping he could tell I wasn't lying. 'Just focus on me, okay? The ambulance will be here.'

'I just want-want you to know, that I will always be here and-and I am sorry, that we never got to have-have that first kiss." Brad tries to carry on, but I shush him so he can save his energy.

'No, no, no.' I start to panic as he becomes paler. 'Don't you dare Brad, you will live to be my first kiss. You will make it.'

His hand falls back down and lands back on the pavement as his body goes still. My eyes widen as I come to the horrible realization.

'No, no, no, no!" I frantically place my ear to his chest, hearing nothing but the thunder.

I lift up his head, placing it on my lap. Moving his wet blonde hair out of his face and to the side like it normally was. 'You promised we would be together forever' I sob, hoping he would wake up.

He doesn't move.

'Please.' I cry, 'Please!'

I hear footsteps rushing towards us, and I feel them take Brad away from me. One of the paramedics try to get me to answer questions as do the police, but I have no answers for them.

I stay in that spot, staring at where Brad had fallen.

'Brad.' I hear myself whisper. 'Why did you leave me?'


Mom leads me into a few deep breathing exercises that the doctor had taught her to use when I wake up in a bed sweat like I do every morning.

After my breathing is under control, I climb into the warm shower mom had prepared for me.

I got dressed in my usual outfit and applied makeup. If I had hair, I would definitely curl it or put it up in a ponytail, but I put on a hat instead.

"Bye, mom!" I shout as I run out the door with an apple in my hand, running to Evan's yellow mustang.

Evan wraps me into a hug, letting me take in his cologne.


"Ready." I nod and slide in the car so he can drive us to school.

A/N: Hey guys, it's almost Christmas :) It doesn't feel even a bit Christmas like, but who's complaining?

Stay Pricey-K

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