Chapter Twenty-Four

Start from the beginning

"Hey Chris," She greeted. "Come eat."

Khadijah was waiting so I decided not to take the offer.

"It's alright, I ain't really hungry right now."

She wouldn't take no for an answer.

"C'mon, I made too much food anyway." She grabbed a plate, put a bunch of pancakes on it, and shoved it infront me.

She obviously wanted for me to spend some time with her so why was I resisting? Khadijah can wait a little longer.

Khadijah's POV

I had nothing better to do in the car so I decided to take a nap. I was up pretty late worrying about Chris. This nap would pass the time and let me prepare for work. I set the alarm for 15 minutes then closed my eyes. Soon enough, I woke up with a cramp in my neck, a dry mouth, and the need to use the bathroom. My eyes almost bulged out of my head when I saw that it was 12:22 pm. What the hell?! My alarm must've not went off. But more importantly where in the fuck is Chris? This was supposed to take 15 minutes, it's been a hour and a half. What is he doing? Even though he told not to get out the car, I did it anyway.

I rushed into the house. There were voices coming from the kitchen so that's where I went. Chris sat at a table laughing and sitting extremely close to some girl. My feelings were beyond hurt. Today was supposed to be about Chris and I improving our relationship. He forgot about it because he was interested in someone else. I couldn't believe him.

"Chris!" I yelled.

He jumped up and turned around.

"I told you to stay in the car," He said.

"You also told me that this would take 15 minutes. Look at the time!" I exclaimed.

Chris glanced at the time on the stove.

"Oh shit!" He exclaimed. "I needa finish."

"You're not even done yet?!"

Chris didn't bother to respond to me. He grabbed a hammer and then ran to another room. I was left alone with the girl.

"I'm sorry for running into your house like that," I apologized.

"It's alright," She chuckled. "Do you mind me asking, who exactly you are?"

"I'm Khadijah," I introduced myself.

The girl got up and walked to me. She held out hand and she said, "I'm Mariah."

I took a second to inspect her. This girl was beautiful in a unconventional way with all her tattoos. She had her long dreads in a sloppy bun on top of her head. She wore joggers with a random Tupac shirt. Mariah was gorgeous without even trying.

"Nice to meet you Mariah," I smiled. "Um, can I use your bathroom? I've been stuck in that car forever."

Mariah looked confused but didn't question me. "Yeah, of course. It's the third door down that hallway."

After I was done using the bathroom, I watch back to the kitchen. Chris was talking to Mariah again.

"You want a tattoo WHERE?" She asked.

Chris rubbed the back of his head. "I'm finna get two right here."

"Are you sure? Head tattoos hurt like a bitch?"

"I got a tattoo on my neck, I bet it's gon' feel the same."

I was kind of jealous that they had something to bond over. I felt sort of left out so I decided to interject myself in their conversation.

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