Twenty five

15 0 0

Kayas POV
I came home in a cab since Jess couldn't go home for another few hours and she fell asleep after she had her little one and I didn't want to be there too much longer. I did just get out after all.
When I reach the house I thank and pay the driver and walk in with everything in hand. Everyone is still partying, Ki is sitting by himself and Wes and Kate are talking about some unknown topic. I decide to walk over to Ki who smiles when he sees me.
"Hi." He says once I reach him.
"Hi. What's been happening?" I ask.
"Please never leave me alone with more than two people again. The moment you left everyone thought that now would be the good time to talk to me." He says and I smile at him.
"Aww. You poor thing. Now what did you do?" I ask. Knowing him he did something.
"How'd you know I did something? And even if I did it's usually something you appreciate." He says and after that sentence I knew he did something.
"That's true. So what did you do?" I ask and he looks at me.
"I may or may not have said that if it's ok with Katies parents that she can stay here for a while to stay away from her boyfriend." He says and I look at him.
"Ki Hun. I love you but do I have to remind you that we only have three rooms in the house, all of which are occupied!" I say and he looks at me.
"Ah that's what your think. Come with me." He says and puts his hand out. I oblige and we walk inside and strangely he walks me down to the basement. He covered my eyes when we reached the bottom and since we hadn't turned on the light yet I couldn't see a thing.
"Ok so you're not peeking? Are you?" He asks me and I shake my head.
"Nope. Can't see a thing." I reply. He walks me a few more steps.
"Ok. You ready?" I nod my head and he turns on the light. What I see is amazing! He has made an extra bedroom but I would say with the help of a few others. I cover my mouth with my hands.
"Oh my god. Ki this is amazing!" I say and give him a massive hug.
"I thought you would like it." He says. I smile at him.
"Thank you." I say and give him a hug.

A few hours have passed and everyone is leaving either drunk or sober because some have to drive to their hotels. I let Katie stay here overnight so right now her and vi are playing while I maintain Teresa. Gosh she's cute. Just then I hear Katie. And she sounds really happy.
"Kaya! Ki!" She shouts making both Ki and I jump out of our skin.
"Bloody hell Katie. Why so loud!?" I ask and she laughs at my accent.
"Sorry but I just remembered something. Kaya you probably have no idea what I'm talking about but Ki will. Wes asked Ki to help him with the death cure to see if anyone is obsessed about it and at the time I was with Ki so he pointed to me and wes took me away to tell him about the death cure and all. Yeah well I just remembered that he wants me to help him direct the movie!" She explains/screams at the same time. I smile.
"Kate that's great!" I shout and give her a massive hug. "Now you get to see what we get up to on set. And mainly the director and producer. Every year." I say and her face drops. "Don't worry. Wes always gets us back." I say and give her another hug. She relaxes at this and gives me a hug back before doing the same to Ki.
"Turns out the family is supposed to be in the movie business." Ki says and I laugh.
"Oh probably." Katie replies and soon we are all in a group hug. Even Teresa got some hugs off everyone.
"Alright well I am starving and it is too late to cook dinner so who wants take out?" Ki asks and we all shout.
"Alright sweet. Pizza?" I ask and someone shouts. I don't know who because it was nine of us. We look at each other confused then I remember there is only one person other than Ki who shouts at the word pizza.
"I'll be back." I say then go to the basement and turn on the light. I see movement. I walk down the rest if the stairs and go around the corner. Then I see the devil himself.
"Dyl what in the world are you doing?" I ask and he looks at me.
"This isn't my hotel room." He says trying to act casual.
"Dylan we heard you yell when I said pizza. What are you doing?" I ask and he looks at me.
"What? I wanted to stay and try to scare you."
"Well you can scare us upstairs. Come on." I respond and start walking up them with Dylan in tow.
"I found the devil." I announce and they all turn their heads to me. I smirk at Katie since she didn't know that one of my best friends since forever is Dylan O'brien. Her mouth drops open and instantly Dylan run shut I grab his wrist before he can go any further.
"Hey she doesn't bite. Besides she's related to me. A celebrity. You're no different." I say and he sulks.
"Ok well I will have my usual." Ki says and I nod.
"Ok Katie what would you like?" I ask.
"BBQ chicken please." I say and I nod.
"Ok and I know everyone else's orders. Sweet."
"What's mine?"
"Pepperoni." I shout over my shoulder and I hear him curse slightly. I chuckle lightly to myself and order the pizzas.

We changed. (Sequel to I just want to be normal)Where stories live. Discover now