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I've skipped ahead a few months because I didn't want to spoil much of the scorch trials😄😄😄
After a few months of filming we are finally done and the finished product is amazing! And pretty cool. We have been allowed to go back to our homes because we have ComicCon in a few months and there's no point in staying in New Mexico if ComicCon is 2 months away.
I have also decided that I won't be attending my mums engagement or wedding so my schedule is pretty free. Me and Ki have also been dating for an entire year and he has something special planned for tonight for our anniversary.
"Ki. When do I shave to start getting ready considering you won't tell me the time as to when we're leaving." I ask. He laughs and checks the time.
"Alright. You can get ready now." He says. I mentally celebrate and run upstairs to have a quick shower.
After my shower I put some skinny jeans with a stripy top and then I top it all off with a leather jacket since it has been getting cold.
I straighten my hair which takes around 10 minutes then I put some light makeup on because Ki doesn't like the heavy stuff. When I'm done its 6:00 and I'm getting excited.
"Ok Ki! I'm ready." I say once I reach the bottom of the stairs. High heels in hand.
"You look beautiful." He says and I blush. Ki is wearing jeans and one if his t-shirts that he adores.
"Now will you tell me where we're going?" I plead and he shakes his head. Instead he puts a blindfold over my eyes. I groan but don't fight it. Then he starts to guide me out the door. Good thing I had put my shoes on and grabbed my purse and phone.
I feel myself getting carefully put into the car so I duck my head and sit down. Afterwards Ki puts my seatbelt on then he goes around to the drivers side door and turns the car on. He turns the radio on to at least calm me down because he knows I like my music. One of my favourite songs comes on and I sing the lyrics.
Ki laughs at my singing which makes me laugh also. Even with a blindfold on I can still have fun.
"Ki! Can I take this off yet?" I ask. Getting a little frustrated.
"Can you wait 2 minutes?" He asks.
"Ugh. Fine." I say and slouch back in my seat. I count to 120 and then finally the blindfold is taken off. Just as I reach 120. Then what I see is amazing.
"Ki. Did you do this? It looks amazing!" I say and hug him. It is a picnic with fairy lights hung around a tree. There is a little picnic basket on the blanket and a stereo for when we want some music. It is in the local park. I still can't believe he did all this for me.
"I can't believe you did this for me." I say. Walking over to the blanket.
"Believe it." He says and chuckles. I give him a massive hug and give him s peck on the lips.
"Thank you." I whisper. And kiss him again. I open the basket which is filled to the brim with all my favourite foods. Including snickers and skittles. My favourite lollies!
"So this is where you were for half the day today." I say. Smirking.
"Yeah. Pretty much." He says. I stand up and walk over to the radio and turn it onto a good station just as shut up and dance with me comes on. I gasp and turn it up a little more. Ki laughs at my childishness but, stands up to join me dancing.
"Shut up and dance with me!" I shout/sing. We laugh and enjoy the night while it lasts.
Then at about 11:00 we were starting to get a little tired and decided to head home. I help pack up the blanket and everything else then put it all in the car. Then we drive off to the house to call it a night.

When I wake up Ki is still sleeping peacefully. I smile at him and silently get up. The events of yesterday playing in my mind. I smile at the amount of effort he out into that picnic last night and how much I enjoyed it. Making him happy.
I go downstairs to start making some breakfast when I realise that we dint have any food. I sigh and decide that a Starbucks is in order. I go upstairs and put some proper clothes on before grabbing my phone, purse, keys and sunglasses. I leave a note on the kitchen bench telling him I've gone out to get breakfast in case he wakes up while I'm gone then walk out the door. I start my car and drive to the closest Starbucks. It is packed but, I manage because I have my sunglasses on.
As I'm standing in line my phone goes off. Good thing it is on silent. I check who it's from and it says Ki.
Hey. I'll have a normal coffee. You're awesome! I smile at him and reply to his text with smiley faces. Then I just wait. Soon it's my turn to order. I order Ki's coffee then I order my caramel coffee. I wait for about 10 minutes until it's ready. Then I decide to get a few snacks for before lunch because, no doubt we will feel like snack.
On my way into the supermarket I see a magazine. With me and Ki on front. The photo is from last night with the caption 'Did Ki Hong Lee pop the question after only a year?' I pick it up off the rack and buy some lollies and pay for them and the magazine.

When I get home I dump the magazine on the table for Ki to see. I sit there drinking my still hit coffee while waiting for Ki to come.
"Hey." He says while kissing my head. "What's this?" He asks. Looking at the magazine and taking his coffee.
"The media thinking they're right." I say and put my head in my hands. He rubs my back.
"Well they're not and would it really be that bad if they did find out?" He asks. Ok. Now I know he's plotting something.
"No it's just. They just assume and it gets really old." I say. I hear him take a breath of relief and he gives me a hug from behind.
"Thanks for the coffee Ky. I gotta go meet up with Thomas so I will see you later." He says. I nod and he gives me a kiss.
"Tell them I say hi." I say. He nods and walks out the door and drives off.

For the rest of the day I sit down on the couch and watch tv. That was until the doorbell rang. Confused I get up and answer it. Only to come face to face with someone who used me. My ex boyfriend.

Triple update because you all deserve it! Also because I'm on school holidays and I have nothing better to do because I am really lazy. Hope you guys are enjoying the book and please share. Hope you enjoy the next chapter.

We changed. (Sequel to I just want to be normal)Where stories live. Discover now