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When the realisation hit me I nodded and grabbed my keys. While I waited for Jess to get ready I wrote a note to the boys saying that we had gone out and that we would be back in a hour. Just as I finish sorting the note Jess comes down. I give her a nervous smile and she gives one back then we walk out the door. I silently lock it and go to the car. I unlock it and get in. As does Jess. Then we're off.
Halfway through the journey I decide to start a conversation. The silence was killing me.
"So. Do you think you are..?" I ask. She nods.
"Yeah. I think we are. Last night after you left us we stayed outside for a while and talked about what we had missed in each other's lives. Then when we didn't feel as if we needed to talk about anything else we went back inside. That was when you guys left. About an hour later we caught a cab back to the house and well. You can figure out the rest." I nod. "What about you and Ki. What did you do when you got home?" She asks.
"Oh well we watched a movie then you know." I say and I see her smirk slightly.
"Uhh. I see." She says. I slap her on the arm then we reach our destination. We get out if the car and run inside and find the pregnancy tests. We pick up a box and pay for them then run out the door and go back to the house. Thankfully the boys are still sleeping so we do it quick.
I go first so I do what it says and wait for it. When it's been 5 minutes I check it. Positive. My face drops. What will Ki think? What will my dad think? I walk out and Jess looks at me. I nod. She gasps and hugs me.
"You should go in." I say. She agrees and a few minutes later she come out. She also nods. Shit!
We go downstairs and into the lounge room. I make a coffee for the each of us and sit down on the couch.
"So what do think will be Ki's reaction?" Jess asks. I shake my head.
"I don't know. I don't know if we're ready. I mean. He did just propose a few weeks ago and we are still figuring out our lives. So what he'll say? I don't know." I say and she nods.
"What do you think Thomas will think?" She asks. Bad timing. Because Thomas just so happened to walk down the stairs at that very moment.
"What do you think I'll think?" He asks. I quickly make up a lie.
"Uh we were just talking about what you'll think of the wedding. We know how much you're looking forward to it." I say and he nods in confusion but quickly shakes it off and sits down next to me.
"So. According to memory, you go back to the house today? Don't you?" I ask him. He sighs but nods. "Hey. Hopefully Isabella won't bother you anymore." I say.
"Wait? Who's Isabella?" Jess asks.
"Evil ex girlfriend. Cheated on Tommy here about 2 years ago and is only now getting revenge." I explain and she nods.
Then for a while we talk. Ki joining us halfway through. Just then I remember the pregnancy tests and make up the excuse of needing to go to the toilet. I run upstairs and see that they are where we left them. I put them in the bin beside the basin and flush the toilet and walked back downstairs. They look at me and I check the time. 12:00. On the dot.
"So. Who wants to go out?" I ask. They all agree so, I grab my keys and we walk out the door.
On the way we had decided on nothing fancy so we just went to McDonald's. Keeping our profile low we ordered our meal and sat down at a table. Well technically the guys ordered and we sat down at a table. Which gave us time to talk about our little dilemma. Then just as we finish talking about it our food comes. Yay! I'm starving.
I dig into my burger and fries and laugh at Ki and Thomas. Boys will be boys. Surprisingly I'm not that hungry nice I finish my meal so when everyone else finished we go back to the car. We need to say goodbye to Thomas anyway and let him actually go back to the house. Jess is also going with him so this give me a chance to tell Ki in private.
When we reach the house it is practically time for Tom to go so we help him with his bags and Jess' and bid them goodbye. They wave back at us and I hope that Isabella doesn't bother him anymore. When they pull off the street we go back inside and start watching tv. We watch random shows and end up watching a horror movie.
"You want some popcorn?" I ask. He nods his head so I go to the kitchen and pop two bags. One for me. One for Ki. I walk back in the lounge and sit down next to Ki. Then I decide to tell him.
"Hey can I ask you something?" I ask. He looks at me strangely but nods. "On a scale of 1-10 how badly do you want a family?" I ask. A little starstruck he answers.
"Uhh 9. Why?" He asks. Looking at me.
"If I said I was pregnant what would your reaction be?" I ask him. His face lights up and I give him a smile.
"Kaya? Are you...?" He asks. Trailing off. I nod my head and he gives me a passionate kiss. "I'm gonna be a dad!!!" He shouts and I laugh at him.
"Ok. I get it but the entire neighbourhood doesn't need to know." I say. He smiles at me and I smile back at him. So maybe I was worried about nothing.

We changed. (Sequel to I just want to be normal)Where stories live. Discover now