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Just as it hits 6:30 I finish the risotto and it looks and tastes delicious. The doorbell also rung so it was all on good timing.
"Hello." I say and let them in once I see that it's actually them.
"Hi Kaya." Violet says.
"Hi violet. Are these your parents?" I ask and she nods but doesn't look all too pleased that they are.
"Hi I'm Liam and his is my wife Melanie who you have already met." Liam introduces.
"Hi I'm Kaya. Dinner is in the dining room and ready. Only just. Hope you like risotto." I say and Violets face lit up like a Christmas tree.
We go in the dining room and Violet digs into the risotto and treats it like heaven. Then conversation starts.
"So Kaya. How long have you been acting?" Melanie asks.
"Uh since I was 6. It's been really fun." I say.
"I saw your work in the maze runner. Violet here adores it and it's so good." she says. I smile.
"Well I'm glad you enjoy it. So what about you guys. Where did you used to live before here?" I ask.
"Uh well we actually lived in Australia before we made the move to America. So yeah." Liam says and I smile. Australia is where me and Ki are going to have our honeymoon if we can get the time off.
"That's sounds cool. I've only been there I once but that was only after a movie was released. I still had a bit of a vacation though." I say and they smile.
Soon we have finished our meal and they decide to go home. Violet didn't want to but her parents forced her. Much to her disagreement. A little suspicious though I followed them once they were out the door. Making sure they didn't see me I went out the front and peeked behind the fence. Though since I couldn't just each them I had to listen to see if anything was going on. When I hear their front door close I stand up and leek over the top of the fence. Then I hear it. Screaming. From what sounds like a young girl. From what sounds like. Violet.
"Stop! Please! Stop. Just please." She is crying and screaming at the same time.
"You are such a disappointment Violet. You were a mistake!" It sounded like her dad. I knew he shouldn't be drink nor should her mum because we didn't drink anything. Well we did but not alcohol wise. I'm horrified at what it going on.
"Please just stop." Violet says. I tear up at her being in this much pain and not able to do anything about it. When I know that I can't handle anymore I run inside and slam the door closed and cry. How could anyone do that to a kid? And say those things? I go to bed with this in my mind and sleep. I have to pick Ki up tomorrow anyway so I will tell him then. Then I went into a dreamless sleep.

I woke up to the curtains open and letting in a lot of sunlight. Making me saying my eyes until I got used to the sun. I groan and roll over to check the time. 11:00. Few more hours until I have to go to the airport. I check my phone for any messages and see one from Ki.
Hey beautiful. My flight was early. Like really early so we should land at about 12:30. Hope this isn't any trouble. Love you and c u then😘😘
I smile at his cute little text and text back ok and get ready for the day. I have a shower and put my makeup on and do my hair then put on some casual clothes. By then it's 11:30 so I still have time to make a coffee and get to the airport in time.
Just as I walk downstairs I hear someone knocking on the door. I go to the door and open it and standing there is Violet. When she notices that I have opened the door she instantly hugs me. I hug her back and pull her inside and close door.
"Violet what are you doing here?" I ask. A little shocked.
"I hate my parents. Can I stay here for a while? Please?" She asks once we reach the kitchen.
"I have to go the airport to pick someone up but I guess you could come." I say and secretly check our her face. It's worse then yesterday. There are more cuts and bruises and she has what seems to be whip lashings on her arms. I'm shocked.
"Hey Violet. Uh what went on last night after you left my house? I mean I heard screaming. Are you ok?" I ask her and her breath hitches in her throat. "Violet you can tell me anything. You know that right?" I ask and she nods.
"Ok uh. Promise you won't tell anyone?" She asks and I nod.
"Promise. You have my Complete trust." I say. She nods.
"I'm a victim of child abuse. Have been since my brother moved out years ago." She explains and I see tears in her eyes. I give her a hug and she leans into it. As if it will be the last one she will ever get. I had finished making my coffee so I was hugging her. Then realise that we should probably go.
"Alright well we have to go. So you can ride shot gun until we reach the airport. Ok?" I say and she nods. "Oh and do you mind if I tell Ki that? He is really good with this stuff." I ask and she nods. Giving me permission to tell someone. "Ok well then let's go." I say and we walk out the door and go to the car where I unlock it and head off.

We changed. (Sequel to I just want to be normal)Where stories live. Discover now