Twenty three

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When we got home friends and family were waiting for all of us. And I mean every friend and every family member Thais close to us were there. Including the entire maze runner cast, along with Jacob, Rosa and Giancarlo. Some of my family that have been living in Australia are here. Oh my god.
"Surprise!" They all shout. Instantly my hands flew to my mouth.
"What's this?" I ask them look at Ki who shrugs his shoulders. I then look at Violet whi cowers behind Izzy.
"Vi? What did you do?" I ask her.
"I may have invited everyone you know and love to come to surprise you when we came home." She says and I smile at her.
"Thank you. Izzy were you in in this too?" I ask and she guiltily nods her head. I give them a huge hug and they instantly relax. Why would I be? Then I look at the family members who have come. I don't even know how Violet got my family from Australia to come over but surely they were visiting or something. I run over to Jess who was standing with Thomas but hasn't had her baby yet so i smile cheekily at her and give her a hug.
"What's so Funny?" She asks.
"You're in for a real treat when you get that thing out of you." I respond and instantly her face whitens. I laugh at her reaction then hug Thomas after giving Teresa to Jess.
"So Teresa huh?" I hear someone say. I turn around and see my little cousin Katie. She is 16 now but god she can be a little kid sometimes. And she's almost the same height as me now. Damn.
"Katie!" I say and give her a massive hug causing her to laugh. "And yes. My character didn't influence it. I have always liked that name." I tell her and she smiles.
"Boy do we have a lot to catch up on." She says and I just nod. I walk around greeting everyone as I do so and hug everyone. They all congratulate me and Zac was beaming  with happiness. I don't blame him. He is an uncle after all. Then Katie finds me once again and I suddenly have an idea pop into my head. I smile mischievously but luckily she doesn't see.
"Hey Kate?" I ask and she looks at me.
"What do you Want?" She asks.
"Well did you know that I'm engaged?" She nods her head and urges me to continue. "Well would you like to be my maid of honour?" I ask and her face lights up like a Christmas tree.
"Yes! Oh my god yes! I'd love to!" She says. Freaking out. I laugh at her.
"Well that's a good thing. We have everything sorted out. Thanks Katie." I say. We continue talking and being the curious one I ask her how life in Australia is going and her face drops.
"What's wrong?" I ask.
"Oh uh. Promise if I tell you, you won't tell anyone." She says and I nod. "Well my boyfriend is abusive. If I don't do what he says then he will hit me. If I hang out with other guys he will beat the shit outta me. I just don't know what to do. I've tried breaking up with him but you know." She says. I'm shocked. Ok first Violet and now Katie. That was when I called in vi.
"Violet Katie. Katie Violet. Spill the beans. I have to go get Teresa." I say then walk off. Leaving them to catch up on everything. Mainly because they just met. I walk back downstairs and treat myself to a little but of champagne. Hopefully Teresa sleeps long enough for it to rub off a little. I walk outside to where everyone was and caught with my Aunty and uncle from Aus.
"Kaya Hun, how are you?" My aunt asks.
"Yeah I'm good. Hi uncle Matt." I say and he turns around.
"Hi Kaya. Look at you. All grown up, with a child and getting married. You've grownup too fast." He says and I give him a hug.
"Oh trust me. I'm a child at heart." I say after I pull away. I feel a tap in my shoulder and see Wes.
"Alright looks like I have to go. See you around." I say and wave to them. "Hey wes." I say and he smiles at me.
"Thank god you are no longer pregnant. Now all you have to do is get married and you're set." He says. "But I need to talk to you." He says. Getting serious.
"Ok what about?" I ask.
"The location if the death cure. I'm thinking Denver because that us where most of the story is based. What do you Think?" He asks.
"I think you should discuss this with James. It is his series after all." I recommend and he looks at me.
"But he's too busy writing the fever code. Please give me an answer." He pleads and I smile.
"I just did. You know where he lives. Visit him." I say. He goes to say something but I shut him up.
"Oh shit!" I hear someone shout. I look around to see Jess. I rush over to her and realise that she is about to have her kid. I laugh at Thomas though because he is freezing out.
"Jess take deep breaths. In and out. I'll take you to the hospital. Do you want tommy to come?" I ask her and she nods her head.
"Alright Tommy calm down. Get in the car and start it. I'll come out with Jess." I say. He nods then runs inside to get his keys and goes to his car. By now everyone had crowded around to see what was going on.
"Ok Jess I need you to try to walk for me. Can you do that?" I ask and she nods. In the course of five minutes we were in the car and Thomas was driving to the hospital.
"Kaya. It's hurts so bad. Please make it stop." Jess pleads.
"In a few minutes Jess. In a few." I say and soon we are at the hospital. I switch the the front and get Thomas to take her in. He immediately obliged and in he walked. I soon found a car park near the entrance and parked it. I ran to the entrance of the hospital and asked reception where she was. They told me and I ran through to find her room. I knocked on it and Thomas opened it.
"Hey. How she doing?" I ask. He motions toward her and she is sitting there. Screaming in pain.
"Have you called the boys?" Tom asks me and I nod.
"Yeah. Let's say Dylan and will are your favourite but then again you're not." I say and smile at him. Just then the nurse says the baby's coming.
"Jess you'll have to push for me. And I know you can do it." She says. Jess screams but does so anyway. By now she has started crying so while Thomas is holding her hand and reassuring her I urge her on.
"Ok. 1...2...3...push!" The nurse says. After two more attempts the screams of a baby boy fill the air.

We changed. (Sequel to I just want to be normal)Where stories live. Discover now