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During the invites I got really hungry and ordered pizza. The boys agreed to it instantly, making me happy that we didn't have to negotiate.
When the pizza got here we all had our own so we didn't have to share. Thank god Dylan and Will aren't here right now.
"So. What do we want the invites to look like?" I ask once we had dug into our pizzas.
"Something simple but, special at the same time." Ki says.
"This is for the engagement party you know." I state and he shrugs.
"Still want it." I laugh at him and find a cute photo of us to pit as the background then put the details on the front of it. I smile at my work and show the boys. I think Thomas is really enjoying this.
"That looks awesome!" They say in unison. I laugh.
"Thanks. My favourite bit is the photo." I say.
"Yeah. Same here." Ki says. Thomas agrees. I check the time. 10pm. Time flies.
"Ok well, I'm going to bed. Thomas I set up the guest bedroom earlier so, you're ready. But your bags are still by the door." I say. Thomas nods and I climb the stairs and fall asleep.

The next morning I wake up to smell something really nice. I look to my side and see Ki still asleep. At first I'm a little confused but then I remember that Thomas is staying fir a while.
I get up and put my dressing gown on and go downstairs. I silently go into the kitchen to see Tommy dancing to how deep is your love. I try to stifle my laughter but I can't. I burst into laughter and he jumps. Making me laugh harder.
"Hi Tommy." I say. I was lucky to even get those words out.
"Bloody hell Kaya. A little notice to say that you are there would be appreciated." He says. I shrug and walk into the kitchen and look at what he was making. Of course. Pancakes. I smile.
"Chocolate chip pancakes?" I ask. He nods. I smile.
I go into the lounge and turn on the tv. I go to the news channels and there is the house. With Thomas standing at the front. Oh no. I read the caption. 'Is Kaya Scodelario cheating on her new fiancé Ki Hong Lee?' I sigh to myself and groan.
"What's up with you?" Thomas asks me as he walks in with a plate of his delicious pancakes. I point at the tv.
"Bloody hell." I hear him whisper under his breath.
"At least we know we aren't together." I say and he agrees.
"Yep. So what are we doing today?" He asks. I shrug.
"Nothing really." Just then Ki comes down the stairs. Looking really tired. I stifle my laughter at the guy and just watch him march down the stairs.
"Is someone tired?" Thomas asks. I elbow him in the side.
"Don't make the lion angry." I whisper. He looks at me confused then goes along with what I'm saying. He nods his head and we just watch him.
"What are we doing today?" Ki asks. I laugh. "What so funny?" He asks.
"Tommy just asked the exact same thing." I say and he smiles.
"Well then that means we have to do something today." He smirks and I smile at him.
"Like what?" I ask. He smirks again.
"How about we watch the Martian. It looks pretty good." Thomas suggests.
"Ohh. I've been dying to see that movie. What do you say Ki?" I agree/ask.
"Yeah ok. Just let me have a shower." As soon as he says that I run upstairs and to the bathroom so that I have first shower. Perks of being a girl.
"Oh come on Kaya!" Ki shouts through the door. I laugh. By now I had already gotten in the shower so he can't get me out.
"What? You were too slow!" I shout back. I hear a slight chuckle in return and I smile at my achievement.
After my shower I walk into the bedroom and choose an outfit while Ki has his shower. I soon settle on a plain blue blouse and blue skinny jeans.

"Ok. Let's go." Thomas says. Snatching up his keys. We decided on taking his car since it was the one closest to the road. Meaning it's the last one in the drive.
"Ok." I say and rush out the door. Sure enough I score shotgun, leaving Ki in the back.
"You're lucky I love you." He mumbles, making me laugh.

When we get to the cinema I get the tickets (which were generously paid by Thomas) and the boys get the food and drink.
"Hello. What movie would you like to see today?" The girl at the counter asks.
"Uh three tickets for the Martian please." I ask. She puts that in then looks up.
"That will be $30 please." I hand her the money and thank her. Then (thinking I got away with it when she didn't freak out) she asked for my autograph and if she could have a photo. Of course I said yes and signed her phone case and took a photo with her. She was over the moon.
"Kaya!" I hear my name being shouted. I turn my head around and find Ki and Tommy standing near the stairs. I rush over to them and hand them their tickets.
"Thanks guys." I say. They nod and we wait for the Martian to start. I'm so excited. I have been dying to see this movie.

We changed. (Sequel to I just want to be normal)Where stories live. Discover now