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As I stand here in complete shock he engulfs me in a hug. I had broken it off with him before I moved to New Orleans and I hadn't seen him since.
"Ben what are you doing here?" I ask. Still a little shocked but, I pushed him off of me in case Ki came back and saw him hugging me.
"I live here and of course knew you lived here so, I thought I should come visit." He explains.
"That's really nice and all but, you should also know that I'm taken and probably will be for the rest of my life." Just as I say that I see a flash and pull Ben inside.
"You think I sit know that. It's all I ever see but, please. Take me back. Break up with your boyfriend. Come back to me. Please. I miss you and haven't gotten over you." He begs. I shake my head.
"No Ben. There was another reason I broke up with you. You used me all because you wanted attention. I'm sorry Ben but, you have to go." I say and open the door back up and point out. Showing him the way out.
"This isn't the end." He says. Now enraged and walks out the door. I sigh and walk back to the couch after locking the door.
I turn the tv back on and see that the maze runner is on. I laugh to myself but continue to flip through the channels. Then I settle on the good old teen wolf. It was the season that I was in so, I just sigh to myself and continue to watch it.
After watching almost the entire season Ki finally gets home and thankfully he also bought home take away because I couldn't be bothered cooking.
"Oh. You are a lifesaver." I say and dig into the pizza he bought home.
"Why. You could've cooked tea." He says. Laughing at me and how I'm already devouring my first bit of pizza.
"Yeah but I felt particularly lazy today and couldn't be bothered cooking." I say after eating my first mouthful of the pizza.
"Fair enough point." He says then starts eating the pizza also.
"So what did you guys do today?" I ask. Taking a bite out of the pizza.
"Hung out. Not much really." He says. I nod. "What about you?" That was when my face fell. "You ok?" I nod and decide I might as well tell him.
"I'm fine and I didn't really do much but, something did happen. One if my exes know where I live and came over. He tried get back with me but I of course said no. But please believe me when I say this. Nothing happened. I swear." I say. He looks at me as if to say 'really?'
"Well if nothing happened then, I believe you." He says and I take a sigh of relief.
"They saw us too." I say. He looks at me. "The paparazzi. They saw us and I'll be honest. Yes. We did hug but, trust me. Nothing more." He nods and continues eating his dinner. I do too until we have come down to the last bit of pizza. We look at each other and dive for it. Unfortunately though I didn't reach it in time.
"Damn you lee. Damn you." I say and pout.
"You'll get used to it." He says and eats the pizza. But smirking at the same time.

After dinner we decide to just be lazy and watch some tv. I smile at the comedy we're watching when the house phone rings. I get up and answer it. A little confused at who would be calling at 10:00 at night.
"Hello?" I ask. Then I hear that voice. The voice I wish I never have to hear ever again but, always do.
"Kaya hi. I just wanted to regard if you are coming to the party. It would be lovely if you did." She says.
"Uh, no I'm not coming. Or the wedding either. And the sorry is really bad time and date because I also happen to have a premier to go to. But you knew that but, decided that I would ditch it just for the party. I gotta go. Sorry I can't make it." And with that I hung up and went upstairs to bed.
I put on my pyjamas and clean my teeth. I also out my hair up into a messy bun and put my phone in charge then, go to bed. The last thing I remember is Ki kissing me on the forehead and wishing me good night.

Two months later

Today we had ComicCon. I was getting really excited and I couldn't wait. We were even showing a scene from the scorch trials. So the fans who are going are getting pretty excited.
"Kaya! You done yet?" Ki yells. I've been hogging the bathroom so I can do my hair and makeup. I had just finished so I walk out.
"Took ya long enough." He says but, I can tell he's joking. I smile and walk into our room and check my Instagram. Nothing special really. Though I just go ahead and like every photo that has recently come through. I keep telling Thomas and Dylan to get Instagram but, they always refuse so, in the end I just gave up.
When I finish that I go downstairs and make some coffee for me and Ki then, sit down and sip it. Waiting for him to come out.
After 10 minutes he finally comes down and he is wearing his usual. Jeans and a blue button up shirt.
"Well. Let's get going. Shall we." He says. I laugh and nod. "Oh. And thanks for the coffee." He says. I laugh and hop in the passenger side door and sit down. Ki goes around to the drivers side and starts the car. Turning in the air conditioner in the process. It is really hot!
On the way there we started listening to the radio and cool for the summer came on. I turn it up and belt out the lyrics. After a lot of begging I finally got Ki to join in too.
Then we reached ComicCon. The screaming fans. The questions. Here we go.

We changed. (Sequel to I just want to be normal)Where stories live. Discover now