Twenty two

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Kayas POV
When I heard the scream I was so happy! I'm a mum! I've always wanted to be one and now I am. I'm so happy.
"It's a girl!" I hear the nurse say. I would say she doesn't know that we already knew. Oh well. The doctors wrap her up in a blanket then I get to finally see her. She is sleeping after her ordeal and she is adorable. I'm looking at her with tears in my eyes. I look up at Ki and he is in the same state.
"We did it." He tells me then kisses me on the forehead.
"We sure did. What should we name her?" I ask. He shrugs. "Don't laugh but I have always liked the name Teresa." I say and smile. Imagine that.
"Seriously?" He asks and I shrug. "I like that name. I always have." I say.
"Ok then. Teresa it is." Ki says and I smile.
"Teresa Lee." I say and he smiles at the mention of his last name on the entire family. I smile at that word because now we have one. A family.
"What girl name do you like?" I ask him and he thinks.
"Jessica. Why?" He asks.
"Teresa Jessica Lee." I say her full name and he smiles.
"That's her name." Then the nurses take her away after she was fed and puts her in a crib where she can sleep without being in my arms. It's next to the bed anyway. I fall asleep a few minutes later. I was exhausted.

Ki's POV
When I realise that Kaya had fallen asleep I smiled. We did it. We have an actual family. We may be a little famous but we will always be a regular family. I check the time and it's 7:00 in the morning. Violet probably hasn't slept since we told her so I call the house to let her know that she has a little sister.
"Hello?" I hear her ask. My suspicions were correct.
"Vi it's Ki." I say.
"How's Kaya? Is she ok? What did you name the baby?" She asks me all these questions which are so cute.
"Kaya's fine. They are both ok and we named her Teresa Jessica." I tell her and I hear a little chuckle on the other end of he phone.
"Teresa huh?"
"Kayas idea and she always liked the name so don't judge. If you want you can come visit now. Izzy is welcome too." I invite and I swear I can hear her smile on the other end.
"Alright cool. I'll see you in an hour." She says then hangs up the phone. I smile and call Kayas dad to let him know that he has a granddaughter. He is happy about the news then call everyone we know. Even Wes who is apparently in Baton Rouge now so he is also going to visit. Must be finding destinations for the death cure. I also call my parents to tell them the great news. After all that I realise just how tired I am and fall asleep next to Kaya.

I wake up what feels like only a few minutes because someone had knocked on the door. I rub my eyes to try and make it look like I hadn't been sleeping but I probably failed miserably.
"Come in!" I say and in walks Violet and Isabella. "Hi girls." I say. Still a little groggy from sleep.
"Hi Ki." They greet. "How's she doing?" Violet asks.
"So far so good. She practically fell asleep right after so..." I respond. Just then Kaya wakes up. At first she is confused as to where she is but then she remembers and smiles.
"Hey." She says smiling.
"Hey. Vi and Izzy came to see you." Ki mentions and I smile at the girls.
"So I can see. Do you want to see her?" I ask and Violet nods furiously. I laugh at her reaction and I nod over to Teresa who was still sleeping peacefully.

Kayas POV
When Violet walks over to our newborn baby I see her face light up. I don't blame her.
"She's gorgeous!" She says then I laugh as Izzy runs over to have a look.
"Aww she really is!" She says and I smile. I'm still not over the fact that I'm a mum. Just then the nurse walks in. Hopefully to say that I can go home soon. I really want to get out of these pyjamas.
"Ms Scodelario. How are you feeling?" She asks with a kind smile. I nod my head.
"Alright. I guess." I respond.
"Well I bring some good news. You can go home as soon as you or Ki fill out the forms and assure us that you have everything you need." She tells us and I smile. Yes!
"Ok. We have everything and I think Ki will be happy to fill out the forms." I say and he takes that as his cue to leave. The nurse smiles at me one more time then the girls go outside to wait for me. I get out and pit on the clothes that we bought with us for afterwards. I pull them on them grab my phone and look at Teresa. She's still so cute! Just then Ki walks in with some baby clothes and leaves me to dress her. I put the clothes on her tiny body without disturbing her and soon she is in the little outfit. I pick her up delicately and place her in my arms and walk out to find everyone waiting. When they see me they start walking out the door. I wonder what Ki has in store for me. Unless he was with me the entire time. Though I have no doubt he called everyone we know.

We changed. (Sequel to I just want to be normal)Where stories live. Discover now