Twenty four

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"It's a boy." I tell Jess and she cries. Most likely a combination of pain and happiness. Thomas is crying also and I give him a side hug. "And he's gorgeous." I tell them and they smile. "I'm good to go outside. Give me a shout if you need me." I say then walk outside into the corridor.

Ki's POV
When Kaya left we all went back to the party as if nothing has happened. I went inside though because now I have to look after Teresa. Yay (note the sarcasm). Just in time she starts crying. We had some bottles made up from the hospital so I grab one and run upstairs to find Violet nursing her.
"Thanks Violet." I say and walk into the room. She looks at me and smiles.
"No worries. I was actually in here looking at her. She's adorable." She says.
"She sure is. If you want you can feed her." I say and she nods. Just then I get a call from Kaya.
"Hey Ki. How's Teresa?"
"Yeah she's good. Just woke up and caught Violet nursing her so I just gave her the bottle. That leads us up to now. How's Jess?"
"Yeah she's happy. Just had a baby boy who's adorable. Thomas is pretty happy too."
"Oh well that's good. Well I have to go. See you when I do."
"See you." Then the line goes dead. I look at Violet and smile at her.
"I'm glad you're here." I say and she looks up.
"I'm glad your here. You have been a big help. Especially to Kaya." I say and she smiles.
"I just do what I do really. Being nice is part of my nature." She says.
"You should also get into babysitting." I say.
"Maybe. Hey ah did you hear about Kayas cousin Katie?" She asks and I look at her confused.
"No what about her."
"She's like me."
"Her parents are so nice though."
"Not by her parents. Her boyfriend is abusive and she can't get away." Violet says.
"I'll talk to her. She loves me. Especially Minho." I say and she smiles.
"Hey she could like newt now. You never know." She says then puts Teresa in her cot.
"Haha you're so funny. She loves me anyway. And make sure you come down. You organised it." I say the run down the stairs after saying hi to Izzy. I walk outside and find Katie in tears. Oh no. I rush over to her and give her a hug. She knew it wa some anyway. "What's wrong?" I ask.
"Oh my stupid boyfriend. And friends." She says. She so has an attitude like me and really good at sarcasm.
"You wanna tell me?" I ask and she nods. We sit down on the swing chair I bought for Kaya and she starts talking.
"I've been dating my boyfriend for about 3 months not knowing he was abusive. I loved him to death but realised that I didn't actually like him. I would try to break up with him but he would only hit me. Every time I wanted alone time. He would hit me. And now here I am. I'm trying to convince mum and dad to move near here and they're considering it. Just don't know." She says. Frowning a little.
"Aww Katie. It will get better I promise. And hey if you want to and IF it's ok with your parents you can stay here for a little bit. Kaya or Violet will not mind." I say and she hugs me.
"Ki! I'm dropping Izzy off at her house. See you in a few." I hear Violet say and I give her a thumbs up. She walks off and I'm left sitting alone with Katie.
"So what did you think of the scorch-." I go to say but Wes cuts me off. Seriously this guy needs to stay away from his work sometimes.
"Ki do you know anyone who is in love with the maze runner series." He asks and I look at him with an are you kidding me face and point to a shocked Katie.
"Seriously? Look at the girl. She's in love with it. She'll help you." I say and he looks at me.
"Alright. How much do you know about the series?" He asks.
"Depends. What do you need to know?"
"The death cure."
"Ah yes. The one where Newt died due to the flare. Well first of all you need the scorch trials movie to link with it so..." She says then trails off.
"Ok you are definitely coming with me. Thanks Ki." Wes says then runs off sin Katie in tow. Jesus Kaya leaves for half an hour and I am suddenly busy. Thankfully though I get to sit down and enjoy a drink and time to myself.

We changed. (Sequel to I just want to be normal)Where stories live. Discover now