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Kayas POV
When I wake up I see Ki still sleeping. He looks peaceful and the events from last night come back into my mind. The dinner. Then coming back and him saying that he wants to talk to Dylan. I smile a little and check the time. 8:00. We leave at nine so, I quietly get up and have a shower.
Afterwards I put on some jeans with a t-shirt and some black vans and wake Ki up. She groans and I laugh.
"What's so funny?" He asks.
"You. Now get up. We start filming today and we can't be late." I say. He groans but gets up anyway and goes to take a shower. I go to the mini kitchen and make some toast. Thankfully there was bread and butter and of course a toaster so it wasn't that big a task.
When Ki gets out of the shower and gets dressed we have breakfast and talk about last night and what filming will be like for the scorch trials.
When we finish eating I clean my teeth and put my hair up into a ponytail. Then we walk out and into the lobby where Wes is waiting for us and there are cameras everywhere. When they see us they go berserk and try to get to us but, lucky for us the media isn't very smart and forgot that they all can't fit through a door.
"Wes. How long have they been here for?" Ki asks.
"About five minutes. Don't worry. You guys ready?" He asks. We nod our heads then, just after that, the paparazzi got in and started rushing towards us. Ki and I look at each other and run towards the elevator. We push the button and it immediately opens. We step in and press our floor number and we go up.
"Why does this happen?" I complain earning a laugh from Ki.
"I don't know. They probably want to know about our relationship." He says. I sigh but, laugh anyway.
"That's probably true." I says and walk to where me and Rosa were talking last night. I sit down on the ground and pat the spot next to me. Ki sits down and we just talk. We talk about random things, we play 20 questions even though we know almost everything about each other.
"Guys. Come on. We have to go." Dylan says as he walks out if his room. We get up and go to the elevator and walk in just as the doors are about to close.
We get to the lobby and there are still cameras there. Looks like we are going to have to give in.
They see us and run towards us. Making it impossible to run away. They ask us all different types of questions until I hear one. I hear one that I just didn't want to hear.
"How are you coping with your mother cheating on your dad?" A lady asks. I stop in my tracks.
"I don't know what you're talking about." I say and run outside into the limo. I sit down and cry. The boys comfort me and tell me it's ok.
Then I get a phone call. I check the caller ID and its says mum with an old photo if when I was little. When the family was actually a family. I ignore it and I hug the boys. The drive isn't that long anyway.
"Ok. We're here." Thomas announces. I get up from my position from when Ki was hugging me and get out if the car snd run to the set where, there are more fans waiting.
When we get inside the set is amazing! Right now it is set up to be WCKD'S headquarters so, it looks pretty sweet.
The set was big with lots of sand around it to make it seem like the scorch. It looked awesome and I'm really excited to get started.
"Ok everyone. We start in half an hour to an hour. That gives you enough time to get hair, makeup and costumes done." Wes announces. We all understand and run off to the set.
"Ok. Time starts now." Wes announces and we all run to our dressing rooms. I reach mind and see my Teresa clothes are already there. I put it on just in time for the makeup artist to start doing my makeup to make it look as if I had just gotten out of a maze. Then the hairstylist comes and does my hair all messy. When I'm ready I walk out and go to find Wes who, is of course standing next to the camera.
"Kaya. You look great. Now just wait here and then when the cast is here we'll start he first scene." He says. I nod and get my phone out and check my Instagram. It is blowing up and it's all if how excited everyone is for the scorch trials to start and who much they wish they could meet me and the cast. This always makes me laugh and smile.
"Ok. Everyone ready?" Wes asks. We all nod. "Ok so, this is the scene where you all escape from WCKD but, you'll have to take a little detour so that you can collect Teresa. She will be laying in a hospital bed. After that we will go on from there." Wes says. We all nod and get into positions. I get to lay comfortably on a bed in whatever position I want. As long as I do the scene right. I end up laying on my side curled up. Like how I usually sleep.
"And action!" Wes yells. I hear the boys 'breaking in' to the room. I continue to 'sleep' until they wake me up.
"Where is she? Where is she!?" Dylan yells. I hear the curtain open and they rush in. "Teresa. Teresa." Dylan shakes me awake and I wake up. They smash the 'window' behind me and they carry me out. Then we run and that's the end of the scene.
"Cut! Ok guys that was great. I'll just watch it and see if we can make any of that better." Wes tells us. We nod and go to the couch we all met up on.
"This scene is dangerous." I say. Everyone looks at me as if I'm crazy.
"How in the bloody world is it dangerous?" Thomas asks.
"Because I'm exhausted and feel like sleeping." I say. They all nod and agree with me but, Dylan is smirking.
"No Dylan Ki did not keep me up." I say. Just took et the thought out if his mind.
"Ok guys. That scene was awesome but, Dylan and Ki. Dylan I need you to sound more frantic about finding Teresa and Ki. Try and keep the door closed until the smash the window. Then you can run forward to help get everyone out." Wes directs. We all nod and go from the start. Hearing the same lines and doing the same things. Exocet with more determination to get out of the headquarters and more of Ki trying to hold the damn door closed.
"Guys. That was amazing. You can get the rest of the day off." Wes says. We breath a sigh of relief and go into our change rooms to out on some casual clothes and put our costumes back on our racks.
When I finish I walk back out and everyone is waiting for me.
"Well. Let's go." I say and we all run out into the limo that is waiting for us.

We changed. (Sequel to I just want to be normal)Where stories live. Discover now