In the corner of my eyes I saw D.O. already calling someone on his phone. "You know, just keep your mouth shut and try to wait." D.O.'s words slapped me back to reality. "Minhye you're not like this. You don't get angry, you don't let others affect you, you're just an annoying girl who thinks she could tutor a bunch a men who's obviously older and probably smarter than her. I've already called the others. Stop worrying so much."

I felt the back of my throat buckle

"I'm sorry... I'm sorry..." I whimpered.

I felt no tears fall from my eyes, but my chest hurt. It twisted in all sorts of uncomfortable directions as if it was trying to wring out all the worry in me, but it's efforts were useless.

"So where are your parents?" D.O asked me, "Don't you have their contact number? "

I shook my head, "I don't know. I really don't. " It was the honest truth. I had lost my mom, and now... my dad's gone too.

I looked around and examined my body. I saw no cuts, I saw no bruises. I shook everything from head to toe, and even so I felt no pain.

"Wasn't I hit by a car?"

D.O. shrugged, "All they told me was that they found you in the middle of the road and apparently it was from an asthma attack. I don't really know."

He then turned around prior to throwing me a small object.

It was an inhaler.

Without looking back he spoke his last words, "You'll probably need this . And don't even think about paying me back. They told me you could leave anytime. So leave after Ji Won and the boys come."

And as simple as that he walked away.

So he does have a nice side.

Before he could completely disappear I felt a warm smile blossom on my face.

"Thank you D.O. Thank you Kyungsoo."

(Kris' s POV)

5 excruciating hours passed by and we're finally back to Seoul.

My stomach felt weird along with my chest. It was an unfamiliar feeling. Motion Sickness; I never got it before, but I let it get the best of me.

Adding to the queasy feeling in my stomach, my recently sprained foot killed me.

And it was all because of Minhye.

Was it really the last I would see of her?

I don't want to end up like my mom.

I don't want to settle on such shallow words. And when Minhye didn't believe what I said, I doubted myself for a moment. I thought that maybe she was right.

It was impossible to like her.

It was impossible for such a shallow person like me to care. It was just some lie my mind was fooling me to believe in.

But now that I know I could never see her again, I'm doubting that side of me too.

I knew liking her this quickly was an exaggeration, but this thought had built up since the first time she ripped my name tag off of me. Of course at first I was ignorant, but slowly I found myself stealing glances at her. I found myself wanting to have her useless tutoring sessions. I found myself enthralled by her perseverance. Without realising she had already captured me. And yes it's hard to believe. I didn't believe it myself, but I sincerely liked Minhye. And even if it meant I had to be a friend to stay by her, I would be a friend.

After getting lost in my thoughts I trudged to my room. My head, stomach, and ankle were now having a heated competition on who could make me feel the worst, but in the end it all came down to a painful tie.

Tutoring EXO ( EXO fanfic )Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang