Chapter 14

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Super Short Update...

(Chen's POV)

Waking up I heard the birds happily chirping outside my window. A new day has arrived, and I've never felt better. The atmosphere was just so bright and fluffy.

Now most of the tension in our dorm was gone, and I'm hoping it stays like that.

Walking out of my room I savored the sound of our usual morning chatter. The sun was finally shining, and I could finally make myself laugh for no apparent reason. It was a weird hobby of mine.

It's really shocking you know... It's really shocking how all of that can change in a split second?!

"Where's Tao?" Kris asked as soon as he entered the kitchen.

His question almost made my eyes pop out of my head, "Oh poo! I forgot them in the soccer field!"

Everyone's heads all jerked to look at me. Smiling uneasily, I averted my gaze towards Xiumin searching for help, but he just shrugged me off and continued drinking his coffee.

"Why do I always think out loud?"

Kris stood up from his seat, glaring down at me, "Where is he?"

Once again we find ourselves on the same soccer field as yesterday. As if I had a gun pointed towards my head, I led the boys to the storage room.

(Minhye's POV)

Is that you mom? Just a few more minutes. Why is it so bright?

When I opened my eyes I saw all my students appear before me, including Tao who was still resting on my shoulders. Before I could react, Tao was harshly dragged by Kris who seemed to be full of fury. When he let go of Tao's arms he bellowed, "What are you doing with this girl!"

Tao's sleepiness disappeared all at once, "Hyung! It's not what you're thinking."

I instantly jumped in to defend both of us, "He's telling the truth. I found him yesterday in the storage room, and I didn't realize that I kind of actually locked both of us in here. We were hoping that one of you would notice our absence, but we ended up spending the whole night here."

They all stared at us in disbelief. Then Tao added more by pointing to Xiumin, "I was here to look for hyung's phone, " then he pointed at Chen, "She was here to look for Chen's." I nodded my head in agreement.

Now everyone's attention was brought to both of them. Chen started to speak, "Did I say it was my phone?"

I nodded a sure yes.

He then scratched his head, "I have a confession to make. I actually didn't want to help hyung find his phone so I sent Minhye there instead. I promised to return to pick her up later, but it slipped my mind and I totally forgot."

Chen was safe. Now everyone looked at Xiumin, "I found my phone before Tao even got to the storage room. I thought he was in the van already when I came back." He then took out his phone for proof, "I had no idea Chen would send Minhye."

Everything started to fall into place. Kris on the other hand was still angry, but Tao hopelessly kept trying to explain the whole situation. I didn't hear their conversations, but it came up to the point that Kris was actually convinced to forgive me, aka sparing my life. I swear if glares could kill I'd be dead by now.

However, truthfully I was too exhausted to feel worried, so once everything was settled I rushed back home and fell dead to sleep once again.

When I woke up, only then I realized how much of a mess my house was. I was only gone for a night and this is how much my dad messes up.

In the midst of all the mess, I found a golden lined envelope that was addressed to me.

What is this? I never get mail.

When I opened the envelope I saw an invitation. An invitation to someone's engagement party...

Dun! Dun! ~Duuuun~!!!

*Peeks out from my box that I'm hiding in...*

Just wanted to thank all of you for the amazing 500 reads!!!

I'm not very good at expressing myself, but you guys just make my day by voting, commenting, and simply reading.


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